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Monday, January 11, 2021

January 11, 2021

Yoga Poses for High Blood Pressure

  High BP: Can Yoga Reduce Hypertension?

Know 5 Best yoga asanas for high blood pressure! 

High BP (high blood pressure) is also called Hypertension. This in itself is a serious health problem and if left untreated, high BP can lead to other serious diseases such as heart attack. According to a 2014 report of General of Hypertension, 29.3% of Indians are suffering from hypertension. The only way to do this is to get it checked regularly and the next logical step is how to control high blood pressure. 

Benefits of Yoga in High Blood Pressure

Neither high nor low blood pressure is good for the body. The most important thing is to be balanced. By doing Yogasana, health is good and no disease of any kind comes near. Yogasana keeps blood pressure under control and also helps to relieve stress. Apart from this, it is also very important to have a healthy diet. Yogasana calms the nerves and corrects the abnormal heart rate. Yoga helps to increase immunity and reduce the incidence of heart problems such as heart attack and stroke. Obesity can cause high BP. By doing yoga regularly, body weight is controlled. If there is no rest to the body and mind, there is a high risk of stress and high BP. By doing yoga, sleep becomes good and stress is reduced. Yoga gives positive energy to body and mind and brings happiness in your life. It also helps in reducing the problem of high blood pressure running for a long time.

Yoga Asanas for High Blood Pressure  

Here we are telling some asanas to keep low blood pressure balanced. However, it is important that you practice these yoga exercises under the guidance of a trained expert.

1. Child's Pose or Balasan

Performing balasan relieves stress and fatigue. It also keeps blood circulation normal.

How to do

  • To do Balasan, sit on your yoga mat or ground in Vajrasana.
  • Now inhaling, lift both hands directly above the head. Do not add palms.
  • Now while exhaling, bowed forward. Keep in mind that the hip joint has to bend, not the waist joint.
  • Tilt forward until the palm rests on the ground.
  • Now keep the head slowly on the ground.
  • Now you are in a state of balasan. Relax the entire body and inhale long and release outside.
  • Tightly connect the fingers of both hands. You have to keep your head in the middle and support it.
  • Now place the head gently between the two palms. Keep the breath normal.
  • You can stay in Balasan for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
  • Repeat it 10-15 times

2. Thunderbolt Pose or Vajrasana

This yoga can be done after lunch or even after dinner, it helps in controlling obesity and increases the flow of blood in the lower abdomen.

How to do

  • Sit on your knees.
  • Mix the toes together and keep the ankles apart.
  • Place the buttocks on the soles of the feet in such a way that the soles of the feet are touching the outside of the buttocks.
  • Keep your hands on your knees. Keep the palms facing down.
  • The back and head should be straight but they should not be stressed.
  • Do not bend the spine excessively backwards. Close your eyes. Allow the hands and the entire body to feel relaxed.
  • Breathe normally and pay attention to your breath.
  • Do Vajrasana for as long as possible.


This asana should be done for at least 5 minutes, especially to increase digestion immediately after a meal. In case of acute digestive disorder, do Vajrasana for 100 breaths before and after meals.

3. Seated Forward Bend or Paschimottanasan

Helps reduce belly fat. It also acts as an effective stress reliever and can normalize high BP.

How to do

  • Sit in the posture of Dandasana. Try to lengthen the spine by pressing the ground with light hands and breathing in.Lift the arms straight up and join.
  • Now, while exhaling, start turning from the hip joints forward. Slowly bring the hands along.
  • If possible, turn so far that you can hold the side of the leg with your hands.
  • If done properly, the lower part of the abdomen will touch your thigh, then the upper part, then the lower part of the chest and finally the head.
  • In total, breathe in and out 5 times so that you can easily stay for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Gradually, as the strength and flexibility in your body starts increasing, you can increase the time but do not do more than 90 seconds.
  • After breathing 5 times, you can come out of this posture.
  • To get out of the posture, while exhaling, raise your hands and head and then give rest to the legs.

4. Bound Angle Pose or Baddha konasana

Stimulates the heart and leads to better circulation of blood throughout the body. It also relieves tension and nervousness.

How to do

  • Start in Dandasana.
  • Like butterfly, bend the knees and join the feet with both hands so that the soles are touching each other.
Method 1-
  • With the hands down and press the knee so that it touches the ground. But do not do more than physical stamina.
  • If the knee does not touch below the initial, then be patient. With time and effort the knees will start to fall down.
Method 2-
  • When the knee starts coming down and your flexibility increases, do this version.
  • Hold both hands with feet.
  • Bend forward from the hip joint until the head touches the ground.
  • This may take a few days or weeks or months to happen. Be patient


Do either method 1 or 2 for 30 to 40 seconds.

5. Easy Pose or Sukhasana

Sukhasana reduces stress. This keeps the body and mind calm. It helps in reducing high blood pressure.

How to do

  • First of all, spread the legs in front of the body and sit.
  • Fold the right leg and keep the claw under the left thigh.
  • Fold the left leg and place the claw under the right thigh.
  • Keep hands on knees in knowledge posture.
  • Keep them straight without putting any stress on the head, neck and spine.
  • Close your eyes. Keep the whole body loose.
  • Do this asana for ten minutes.

Precautions while doing Yoga

  • Headstand and Sarvangasana increase the blood pressure in the brain because your body is inverted and the flow of blood becomes uncontrolled.
  • Viparita-karani (Legs up the wall pose) can also cause harm in high blood pressure. So avoid doing this asana.

Keep these things in mind

  • Relaxation from yoga practice is attained only after continuous practice and you get it slowly.
  • During the exercise, use objects such as pillow to support the body. This will not increase joint pain or body pain.
  • Make it easy according to physical capacity, do not stress too much. If the pain increases, stop practicing yoga immediately and consult a doctor.