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Friday, September 18, 2020

Big Reasons of Growing Belly Fat

 Is your tummy fat growing fast too? These 4 big reasons can happen for tummy fat👇

Due to the changing lifestyle, increasing Belly Fat / Tummy Fat has become a big problem for many people nowadays. People do many such activities from morning to evening, due to which the tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

This fat is so dangerous that it can also cause many fatal diseases. People want to reduce their fat fast (How To Lose Belly Fat Fast), but due to their wrong lifestyle it is not possible.

America's Minnesota Mayo Clinic's research has proved that "people who have more tummy fat have a higher risk of heart-related illnesses than people without tummy fat." , It increases the risk of diseases such as heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, asthma, breast cancer and colon cancer. "

But there is no need to panic, if this tummy fat is reduced at the right time, then the risk of these diseases can be avoided. In this article, you will know what causes tummy fat in the body and what methods can be adopted to reduce it (Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat).

First of all, let us know what type of tummy fat is, then let us tell you that there is two types of tummy fat:

Visceral (intestine): This fat accumulates in the intestines present inside the stomach.

Subcutaneous (subcutaneous): This fat accumulates on the skin of the abdomen.

4 big reasons for tummy fat

1. Including Unhealthy Things in Diet

Regular diet includes high sugar foods like candy, cake and sugar drinks like unhealthy weight gain. By adding these things in the diet for a long time, the body gets a lot of calories, which gradually starts to change into fat.

This fat starts from our stomach and tummy fat starts increasing. These things are low in protein and high-carbs, due to which the metabolism becomes slow. This reduces the capacity of a person to burn fat and the tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

Including fast food or junk food in the diet is also no less dangerous. Those who remain inactive and involve these things more in the diet, then their tummy fat also increases rapidly.

The American Heart Association says that instead of including unhealthy items in the diet, include whole grain foods, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. These things help in maintaining weight, as well as not allowing tummy fat to increase.

Whenever you buy a food item, be sure to check the label of the food, to check whether there are such things as whole grains, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats.

2. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Drinking alcohol not only increases the risk of diseases like heart disease and liver disease, regular drinking also increases tummy fat. We have already told you what are the disadvantages of increasing tummy fat.

You might be wondering how drinking alcohol increases tummy fat, then let us tell you that alcohol contains a lot of calories which increases weight rapidly.

Research by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has proved that daily drinkers consume 10 percent of their calorie intake through alcohol. People who drink a full glass of alcohol lose 178 calories in their body. These calories are equal to the energy gained by eating two chocolate biscuits.

Consumption of alcohol daily and then consuming heavy diet, the fat starts increasing rapidly. It has the most effect on tummy and tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

If people who drink alcohol want to reduce their tummy fat, then one solution is to stop drinking alcohol altogether. After this, be physically active. Reduce fat by joining morning walk, exercise, gym or yoga class. By doing this tummy fat can be reduced rapidly.

3. Not being physically active

Many people have a habit of eating something throughout the day. In such a situation, these people consume more calories than necessary. Those who consume a lot of calories throughout the day, it is very important to remain physically active.

If such people do not exercise or any other physical activity, then after an age, their tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

In a study related to Obesity, it has been proved that men and women who watch TV for more than 3 hours continuously, their tummy fat also increases rapidly. This is because while watching TV, we sit in one place for a long time and keep eating something, this causes stress on the stomach, due to which the tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

Join gym or yoga class to reduce tummy fat or start the morning walk on your own. This helps in reducing extra calories of the body. Also, being physically active, tummy fat can also be reduced.

4. Staying in stress for a long time

Also read : Stress Management and their Tips and Strategies

In a busy lifestyle, anyone gets stressed. But it is not good to be so long. Stress causes many serious diseases as well as tummy also increases.

People who remain in stress for a long time have a hormone release in their body called cortisol. Because of this, the metabolism of the body (metabolic process) is affected. Everything we eat starts turning into fat. In this case, fat increases rapidly around the stomach.

Whenever the tension is felt, take long deep breaths and release. This provides sufficient amount of oxygen to the lungs and brain, which helps to relieve stress. If you feel more stressed every day, then you can use yoga and meditation to reduce it.

If stress increases due to smoking, leaving it completely is a better option. Also, get enough sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours. Getting enough sleep helps to maintain the mood, which helps to overcome the problem of stress.


  1. Dear jyoti would you post about stress management. As you write on your content long time stress is reason for growing fat.

    1. Thank you for the feedback. Good Question & so relatable. I would suggest please check out the new post on the same.

  2. Thank for sharing a azaming information about reasons of belly fat,How we can fit ourself with different things.If you wanna loss your belly fat rapidly you can try Belly fat best diet plan.

    1. Thanks for your valuable feedback...I read your both articles and these are really helpful to everyone.. You are doing great job..


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