Jyoti's Health Blog with Beauty Mirror -  A Touch of Glamour

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

8 Organic Beauty Products & 5 Beauty Hacks

8 Organic beauty products & 5 Beauty hacks

These 8 organic beauty products you can make at home

Long-term use of beauty products can harm your skin as well as your health, so we have brought for you a list of beauty products that you can easily make at home.

Also read : Homemade Organic Face-pack & Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin

Organic beauty product

In today's time, people living in Trend cannot even imagine themselves without a beauty product. However, these beauty products are very effective and change your look completely. But long-term use can cause permanent damage to your skin. It can be dangerous for your skin as well as your health. So we have brought for you a list of eight beauty products that you can easily make at home. And it will definitely prove to be better for you than a salon treatment.

Lip balm


Almond oil 1 tbsp

3 tablespoons coconut oil

1/4 Great Key Wax

2 tablespoons cocoa butter

how to make:

Combine all ingredients in a container. Then pour this container in a large pot filled with water. Cook it on low flame till it melts. Then when cooled pour it in a small container and use it regularly.

Makeup Remover


3 tablespoons grape seed oil

1 tbsp castor oil

How to make:

Mix these two oils till they are mixed well. Then store it in a bottle, and use it regularly to get good results.

Face Pack


2 tablespoons turmeric powder (turmeric)

3 tablespoons honey

2 tablespoons milk

How to make:

Mix all these things well and make a thick paste. And apply this pack on face before going to bed everyday. Leave it on the face until it dries, then wash it with this water. You can also make this pack and keep it in the fridge.

Natural Bleach is Lemon

If you are troubled by the problem of tan, lemon is the perfect element to get rid of tan. Citric juice present in lemon acts as a natural bleach.

How to use:

Cut the lemon in between. And gently rub it on your face for five minutes. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your face.


Extra virgin olive oil is not only good for your health but also very good for your skin. Regularly massaging your skin can keep the skin moisture intact.

How to use:

Take a few drops of olive oil and rub it on your body. But keep in mind that oil should not be taken too much because after the massage starts smelling like food. Oil should be used according to the dryness of your skin.

Body Scrub


1/8 cup honey

1 cup organizing extra virgin olive oil

1-1 / 2 cup brown sugar

1/4 tsp of your favorite fragrance: lemon juice, lavender oil, coffee or cloves

How to make:

Mix all these things in a large bowl. Mix it well until a thick paste is formed. Store this paste in a container, there is no need to keep it in the fridge. You can use it whenever you want.

Razor Burn Treatment

Honey is a natural element that helps to keep your skin healthy and fresh. Applying properly on the skin also does not cause stickiness.

How to use:

Wet your finger and take a few drops of honey in it, gently apply it on the razor burn area. Apply it until it is completely absorbed. Do not wash it You can get beautiful and glitter skin by drying that part.

Natural Pedicure


Tub full of water

3 tablespoons vinegar

1 lemon

2 tablespoons salt

How to make:

Mix salt and vinegar in a tub filled with lukewarm water. Soak your feet in this water for a few minutes. Rub lemons on your feet at regular intervals.

 5 Beauty hacks

These 5 beauty hacks every girl should know

If you feel that you have to work very hard to maintain your beauty, then this news is for you. To look beautiful you just need to adopt some easy hacks, and what are those methods, we are telling you here ...


Use hair conditioner during shaving

Do you also feel that if you do not get smooth skin by using razor then it means that you are not shaving properly. Use hair conditioner instead of men shaving foam. Yes ... apply a hair conditioner on the body before shaving. This will make the hair on the body soft and it will be easier to shave them.

Baking soda for white teeth

If your makeup gets messed up, you can correct it by erasing it, but your yellow teeth are immediately visible to anyone, making your first impression worse. In this case, the best way to whiten yellow teeth is baking soda. Add 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide to one teaspoon of baking soda and use it as a paste. The result will be much better than your expensive toothpaste.

Honey face pack for acne

Pimple is the best way to deal with acne. Due to the antibacterial property present in honey, if you apply honey as a face pack on the regular face, it will not only get rid of pimples but also will not return pimples.

Use of rice as a conditioner

To make hair soft and silky, use the remaining rice water instead of hair conditioner. After shampooing wash the hair with the remaining rice water and leave it on the hair for about 5 minutes. After this wash the hair again with water. Your hair will become strong and shiny.

Magic of petroleum jelly

If you want a natural glow on the face, then apply a little petroleum jelly on your cheeks before leaving the house. Your lost natural glow will come back and you will also find many supplements.


If you have any doubt, please let me know.