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Monday, October 26, 2020

Hair Fall or Baldness

Hair fall: How to stop hair fall immediately? 

 Falling hair is not just a problem of the weather, but also indicates disease!

We are often troubled by the problem of hair loss due to the changing weather, increasing pollution and side effects of hair products, but sometimes our wrong eating and wrong habits also cause a lot of problems. In such a situation, if we can improve our habits in time, then within a few days we can easily get rid of problems related to hair as well as health.

If there are 70 to 100 hairs of a person everyday, then it is not a situation of panic. This is a normal process and so many hair falls every day. But if the hair is falling in large numbers and constantly, then you need the advice of experts.


There is no need to worry about 70 to 100 hair loss every day. But if you are losing much more than this, then not only do you need good hair care products but you should also do a checkup on the advice of a doctor. Because many times, fast falling hair is a sign of diseases growing in our body ...

Body swelling

The problem of swelling in the body at all times is known as Lupus in the medical world. Lupus is an autoimmune disease. In this, swelling remains in the body for a long time. Due to this inflammation, facial skin and hair roots are mainly affected. This is the reason why not only head hair but also eyebrows and eyelid hair start falling. At the same time, the hair of the beard and mustache also falls rapidly in men suffering from this disease.


Depression also causes rapid hair loss. Depression is a serious level of anxiety. A person is surrounded by anxiety and stress for a long time before he gets caught in depression. Due to this, there is a deficiency of Happy Hormones in his body. Digestive problems start occurring. When digestion is not done properly, the body does not get complete nutrition. It first affects hair and skin.

Blood pressure problem

People who have high blood pressure for a long time also have problems of falling hair rapidly. Whether women or male BP can cause hair fall in all. This is because in this case there is a high pressure of blood flow on the blood arteries. During this time there is a high amount of sodium in the blood, which cannot flow properly in the body. This condition causes hair and heart damage. This is the reason why hair loss is very common in BP patients.

Hair falls due to thyroid

Severe and prolonged thyroid problems may also be the reason for hair falling rapidly. While the right treatment of thyroid disorder is taken at the right time, hair loss can be prevented. It is also helpful in growing new hair. Keeping the doctor's advice in mind, taking medicines and healthy diets at the right time reduces hair loss.

Cancer is also the reason

Hair loss is a very common problem in cancer patients. Many times, fast falling hair is also an indication that the chances of developing a serious disease like cancer are increasing in the body. For example, some cancers such as Hodgkin lymphoma can cause hair loss. But rapid hair loss is mainly due to chemotherapy.

Eating disorder

Often young girls and boys succumb to an eating disorder such as anorexia and bulimia. This is due to their dieting in the desire of skinny body or using supplements. The majority of these youth are girls and women. Eating disorders are becoming a major cause of hair loss along with other health problems. Because of this, the necessary nutrients are not able to reach the cells of our body and hair starts falling fast.

Tips to get rid of falling hair:

1. Avoid tying tight hair

If you like to tie your hair tight, then change this habit quickly, because tightly tying hair is also a main reason for hair breakage and loss. This causes excessive strain on the hair. Due to which they start breaking and falling quickly.

2. Lack of iron and nutrients in the body

In today's era, people often prefer to eat junk food and fast food from outside the home. Due to which the body starts gradually lacking nutritious elements and its effect is seen in the form of our falling hair with health. In such a situation, if you want to avoid hair loss, then for that you should adopt a diet that contains nutritious elements.

3. combing wet hair or use hair dryer

If you also like to comb your wet hair or use hair dryer often, then change your habit, because hair follicles are weakened by doing this continuously. Due to which hair fall starts.

4. Washing hair with hot water

Often people like it, which is also very beneficial for health, but strong hot water causes great damage to hair. This causes the hair to become dry, and gradually fall.

 5. Tension

Stress has become another name in our life today. The effect of stress also damages our health as well as hair. Due to which hair fall starts. If you want to avoid falling hair, then adopt meditation, yoga and happy habits to reduce your stress.

Help Center:

If you are seeking medical help and willing to take a homeopathic treatment at home/clinic, you can consult with Dr. or Hair Care Specialist. 

Dr. Gola
12 Years Experience
Contact No.-8791418545

Best Hair Regrowth Supplements:

If you want to buy any supplement for hair regrowth or to stop hair loss problem, you can check out these some products:  

HealthKart Biotin (10000 mcg)

Himalayan Organics Biotin 10000mcg

Himalayan Organics Plant based Hair Vitamin (With DHT Blocker & Omega 3)


I would like to suggest to take vitamins and minerals in their natural form such as nuts, fruits etc. If you are willing to take any supplement, please take it under the guidance or at your own risk.  

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