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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Anxiety Disorder

 Anxiety: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Risk factors, Prevention and more...

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental illnesses. The problems that arise due to them can prevent you from spending your life normally. People who suffer from envy are constantly anxious and afraid, He may be disabled but with the right treatment many people can restrict those feelings and live their life normally.

Anxiety disorder is not an autoimmune or uncontrolled illness. Which may be due to family reasons or contact with someone. It is caused by a certain behavior.

Here, we will explain about the following:

  • Type of Anxiety 
  • Anxiety Symptom
  • Anxiety Causes & Risk Factors
  • Prevention of Anxiety
  • Diagnosis of Anxiety
  • Anxiety Treatment
  • Anxiety Complications
  • What to avoid during Anxiety 
  • What to eat during Anxiety

Type of Anxiety:

Some types of anxiety disorder are-

Generalized anxiety disorder(GAD):

In GAD, the person suffering from diseases is highly anxious without any apparent reason. When extreme concerns about certain things remain for 6 months or longer then GAD is diagnosed. 

Social anxiety disorder:

When a person is afraid to face social situations or has severe social fear of being humiliated by others then it is called social anxiety disorder. In this, the patient may feel ashamed of alone.

Post- traumatic anxiety disorder:

It develops when you experience something painful. Its symptoms may appear immediately or begin to appear after some time. The reasons for this include war, natural disasters or physical attacks.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD):

It is also a type of Anxiety. People with OCD are overwhelmed by the desire to do a particular type of work again and again like washing hands, cleaning, calculating etc.


It is also a type of anxiety. For example, being afraid of heights, fearing the darkness, etc. Even in this situation, there is a strong desire to avoid the obsessed thing.

Panic disorder:

This disorder causes panic attacks that cause intense anxiety and fear. Its physical symptoms include irregular heartbeat, nervous chest pain and shortness of breath. It can happen at any time, people suffering from any type of angina may have panic attacks.

Anxiety Symptom:

Some common symptoms of anxiety disorders are-

  1. Nervousness, fear and restlessness
  2. Sleep problems
  3. Disability to remain calm and steady
  4. breathing problem
  5. Nausea and Dizziness
  6. Rapid breathing this hyperventilation
  7. Excessive sweating
  8. Weakness and lethargy
  9. Difficulty in focusing or thinking clearly on anything other than what you are worried about
  10. Five other gastrointestinal problems
  11. Twisted muscles

Anxiety Causes & Risk Factors

Anxiety causes-

What exactly causes Anxiety. Like other forms of mental disorders, it is also caused by a combination of some things, including changes in your brain and environment, stress and heredity. The problem is that people who are more anxious are more at risk than those who are less anxious. The problem is that people who are more worried are more at risk than those who are less worried. Too much anxious behavior can cause anxiety disorder in our lives.

Risk factors of anxiety-

The following factors may increase the risk of having an anxiety disorder:

1. Strokes: Children who have suffered trauma or any traumatic events are at a higher risk of having an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Similarly, upon experiencing any painful event in the elders, anxiety disorders can develop.

2. Stress due to illness: The condition of the disease or serious illness may worry you about your treatment and future issues.

3. Building tension: Small or big stressful living conditions can cause too much anxiety disorder. For example a death in the family, work stress and worry about a problem.

4. Personality: People with certain personality types suffer from anxiety disorders more than others.

5. Other mental health disorder: People with other mental health disorders, such as depression, cause anxiety disorders.

6. Drugs and alcohol: Use or misuse of drugs or alcohol can cause anxiety disorder or worsen its symptoms.

Prevention of Anxiety:

Following measures can be taken to avoid anxiety disorders-

Stress Management:

If you are worried then reducing stress is important in your life. Find ways to relax. Exercise is a good way to relieve stress. If you are fond of something special, then take time for it. Do things that make you feel better.

Eat well:

If you eat healthy diet, it will make you feel better for physically and mentally. Try to include fruits, vegetables and whole grains whenever possible. Do not consume greasy, sweet, high fat, processed foods.

Avoid unhealthy substances:

Tobacco, drugs and alcohol are often considered stress-causing substances. But using them actually damages the body, making it difficult to cope with stress and anxiety. Caffeine can also cause or aggravate anxiety disorder. Generally, the things that make you healthy also help you overcome stress anxiety.

Diagnosis of Anxiety: 

If you have symptoms of anxiety disorder, your doctor will examine you and ask for your medical history. They may do some tests related to your mental development, although there is no specific test to diagnose anxiety disorder.

  1. If your doctor is not receiving any medical attention, he may recommend you to go to a psychiatrist, psychologist or any other mental health specialist. This doctor will ask you questions and try to find out if you have an anxiety disorder by using tools and tests.
  2. Your doctor will consider the duration and intensity of your symptoms when diagnosing you. He will also see if you are having trouble completing your normal activities because of its symptoms.

Anxiety Treatment:

Anxiety disorder is treated with medication, psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. Often the best course of treatment is a combination of one or two procedures. Anxiety disorder treatment should be done in the long term. In most cases, the treatment is successful.


Many antidepressant medications can be used to treat anxiety disorders.


It is a type of counseling that addresses affective response to mental illness. A mental health expert helps you to understand and deal with your anxiety disorder through a conversation.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

This is a type of psychotherapy in which you are taught to identify changes in your thinking patterns and behavior that cause anxiety. 

Anxiety Complications:

You may have the following complications from having an anxiety disorder-

  1. Depression (which often accompanies anxiety disorder) or other mental health disorders
  2. Drug cravings
  3. Trouble sleeping or insomnia
  4. Digestive or intestinal problems
  5. Headache and long-lasting pain.
  6. Social isolation
  7. Poor quality of life
  8. Thoughts of suicide

What to avoid during Anxiety?

Do not consume the following foods in anxiety disorder-


Coffee increases the level of cortisol in your body which can make you feel anxious, so avoid coffee consumption if you have an anxiety disorder.


You may feel like drinking alcohol in anxiety disorder, but by doing so, you can worsen the symptoms.


Just like alcohol, you may feel like eating sweets in anxiety disorder, but by doing so, your symptoms may get worse.

What to eat during Anxiety:

Consumption of the following foods may be beneficial in anxiety disorder.

  1. Foods containing omega 3 fatty acids
  2. Probiotic foods
  3. Antioxidant rich foods
  4. plenty of water
  5. Magnesium foods
  6. Vitamin B rich foods


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