Jyoti's Health Blog with Beauty Mirror -  A Touch of Glamour

This blog contains the health and beauty content such as healthy eating, beauty tips, disease & prevention, yoga & exercise, food & nutrition with healthy food recipe.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Disease & Prevention


A disease is a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not due to often know to be medical conditions that are associated with specific symptoms and signs.

What is Human Disease?

Human Disease , an impairment of the normal state of a human being  that interrupts or modifies  its vital functions. The  routine monitoring of blood pressure level is an important part of assessing an individual's health.

What causes disease?

Infection disease are disorders caused by organism-such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. But under certain conditions, some organism may causes disease. 
Types of causes:                                                     

  • Airborne: An airborne Disease is any disease that is caused by pathogens and transmitted through the air.
  • Food-borne: Food-borne illness is any illness resulting from the consumption of food contaminated with pathogenic Bactria, toxins, viruses, parasites.
  • Infectious: Infectious disease also known as transmissible disease or communicable disease, comprise clinically evident illness resulting from the infection, presence and growth  of pathogenic biological agents in an individual host organism. Included in this category are contagious disease-an infection such as common cold, that commonly spread from one person to another, and communicable disease-a disease that can spread from one person to another but does not necessarily spread through everyday contact.
  • Non-communicable: A non-communicable disease is a medical condition that is non-transmissible. Non-communicable disease cannot be spread directly from one person to another. Heart disease and cancer are examples of non-communicable disease in humans.   
Most 10 common disease according to the WHO:

  1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  2. Trachea and lung cancer
  3. Diarrhea disease 
  4. Heart disease or coronary artery disease
  5. Stroke
  6. Lower respiratory infections
  7. Diabetes 
  8. Alzheimer's disease
  9. Tuberculosis
  10. Cirrhosis


Disease Prevention is a procedure through which individuals , particularly those with risk factors for a disease are treated in order to prevent a disease from occurring . Treatment normally begins either before signs and symptoms of the disease occur or shortly thereafter.

7 Steps for Disease Prevention and Healthy Living:

  • Get Screened
  • Don't smoke
  • Be Active
  • Eat Healthfully
  • Lose Weight if you need to
  • Take your Medicine