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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Disease Treatment with Yoga

 Disease Treatment with Yoga 

- Learn which yoga postures to adopt in which disease!

Yoga is a form of Indian art, which has more importance than just one art. Yoga has its own place in many ways in our life, whether it is to get rid of diseases or to make healthy and healthy life. Many research also shows that yoga has shown its magic where medicines have failed to show their effect. The power of yoga can be gauged by the fact that if you include yoga in your routine, you can protect yourself from any kind of disease and disease quite easily, and you will see that seventeen yoga Gives you a new energy which will change both your physical condition and direction and you will see a new energy transmission in yourself.

Yoga is suitable for all ages and all age groups, and has been used as a complementary treatment along with traditional treatments for various diseases. In many cases, it has been seen that yoga has been able to get rid of congenital diseases, whether it is internal or external.

1. Asthma: Due to the changes in today's environment and changes in food, a person often suffers from new diseases, one of them is asthma, a person suffering from asthma enjoys many things in life. Could not take Asthma patients keep adopting many prescriptions to deal with this problem, but they forget the easiest way, which is yoga. So let's talk about what kind of yoga can make asthma patients live their lives easily and easily.

  • Pawanmuktasana: This asana is very useful for people suffering from asthma as it is helpful in digestion and release of gas.

  • Respiration: This posture takes you into a meditative state and relieves you from anxiety and mental pressures. This calm and stress-free yoga body helps the body to deal with asthma.

  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayama: This asana helps in relieving tension of the mind and body and how to employ breathing techniques and methods.


  • Bhujangasana: Bhujangasana is a useful yoga for many types of diseases but it is very useful in asthma because it improves blood circulation.


Diabetes: Diabetes is a deadly disease, which has become very widespread these days and is one of the diseases commonly found in people. But like other diseases, treatment of this disease can also be solved by yoga.

  • Kapal-Bhati: Kapalbhati is the best option for any diabetic patient. If this technique is practiced regularly by a diabetic patient, then his patient can be controlled. It is a very effective form of yoga.

  • Trikonasana: By doing Trikonasana, the body gets stamina and energy, besides this posture is also helpful in keeping the navel fixed.

  • Paschimottanasan: By incorporating Paschimottanasan in regular routine, the muscles of the stomach are strengthened which is helpful in digestive diseases.

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana: Ardh Matsyendrasana is a very important yoga for a diabetic patient, it works to keep the body clean internally, also helps in digestion.

Heart related diseases: Although many types of diseases are often seen in people, but nowadays the most commonly seen diseases are related to heart, which are not only fatal but also fatal. So let's now know what kind of yoga we can get rid of heart related diseases.

  • Trikonasana: Trikonasana is very useful in getting rid of heart related and respiratory related diseases. With the help of this yoga, the chest expands, the respiratory process becomes rhythmic. This yoga also helps in increasing your stamina.

  • Virabhadrasana: Virabhadrasana increases the activities of muscles in the body, regardless of any part of the body and relieves heart related diseases.

  • Adhomukhosvanasana: By incorporating Adhomukhosvanasana yoga into regular routine, blood circulation in the heart remains regular, due to which the heart remains healthy and free from diseases.

  • Dhanurasana: Through Dhanurasana, we can prevent heart related diseases. Dhanurasana makes the area around the heart strong, and it makes the whole body flexible and energetic.

4. Blood Pressure control: Blood Pressure related disease is often seen in people, whether it is high blood pressure or low blood pressure. Blood pressure also gives rise to many different types of diseases. So it is very important to control blood pressure, so let's talk about how we can get rid of blood pressure related diseases by adopting what kind of yoga.

  • Sukhasana: This asana helps to keep the body and mind calm, this asana works on the nervous system of man. It reduces hypertension and maintains blood pressure.

  • Adhomukho Swanasana: Adhomukho Swanasana is one of the most useful asanas for blood pressure control, this asana controls blood circulation in the body. Downward posture controls stress and high blood pressure.

  • Breathing: Any yoga is incomplete without this yoga, it is an urgent yoga. When we wear this yoga, the mind and body get rest and our blood pressure comes to a controlled state.

  • Setu Bandhasana: This asana regulates blood pressure by giving proper strength to the blood flowing slowly in the body.

5. Thyroid: Thyroid is a medical condition called thyroid.Which affects the function of the thyroid gland. It is a thyroid gland, in which the disease takes a rare form due to unchecked hormones. So let us see what kind of problem can be solved with yoga.

  • Shirshasann: It is one of the best yoga poses as it helps in direct management of thyroid glands. It helps in balancing the movements of the body and brings awareness and alertness in the body.

  • Sarvangasana: It helps to stimulate the thyroid gland and regulates thyroxine. In this particular posture, due to the inverted posture, blood flows in the head of the head, which helps in reducing the thyroid gland.

  • Halasann: This yoga gives compression to the neck, stimulating the stomach and thyroid gland. It calms the brain and reduces stress and tiredness due to which it got its name Halasann.

  • Matsyasana: When you pull your neck in this asana, it stimulates your thyroid glands. This asana reduces stress, relaxes the body and helps prevent depression that can be caused by thyroid.


  1. Thanks for sharing this post. I also do yoga and it is very helpful.

    1. Thank you for sharing this valuable feedback...stay connected & stay healthy.


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