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Friday, October 2, 2020

Silent Heart Attack: SMI

World Heart Day: Silent Heart Attack 

World Heart Day is celebrated on 29 September every year to make people aware of the health of the heart. The beginning of celebrating this special day was first started in the year 2000. At that time it was decided that every year World Heart Day would be celebrated on the last Sunday of September. But to celebrate this special day in the year 2014, the date of September 29 was fixed.

The purpose behind celebrating this day is to make people aware of heart related diseases. Today people suffering from heart disease can be seen from young age to old age.

Nowadays, every other person has become so careless about his food that people eat anything impudently without thinking. Because of which many times we have to face problems like acidity. In such a situation, people often think of sudden chest pain as acidity, due to which many people go to death.


What is silent heart attack?

Silent heart attack is called Silent Myocardial Infarction (SMI). In this, a person does not feel chest pain when he has a heart attack and is unable to detect a heart attack. However some other symptoms are felt.


Why is the pain of heart attack not known?

Many times a person is unable to identify pain due to a problem in the veins or spinal cord that causes pain to the brain or due to psychological reasons. Apart from this, due to autonomic neuropathy in old age or diabetes patients, pain is also not felt.


Do not forget to consider silent heart attack as acidity, learn its symptoms.👇

Yes, acidity is not necessarily the case of chest pain every time, sometimes it can also be silent heart attack. Due to this negligence many people have to do death goods every year. Today we will tell you about the symptoms of silent heart attack which will help you to face such a situation. So let's know what its symptoms are.

Feeling of heaviness in chest

If you feel pressure in the chest, do not ignore it every time considering acidity. Immediately go to the doctor if you feel a heavy chest.

Feeling of weakness

If you ever feel dizzy suddenly or start feeling so weak that you cannot even stand up properly, do not ignore this symptom at any cost.

Sore arm

If you are having pain in the left shoulder and this pain goes to the chest, then it can be a symptom of silent heart attack.

Jaw pain

By the way, often the pain in the jaw is due to dental problems. But sometimes this pain starts in your jaw through the chest, which should not be ignored at all.

Swelling of feet and ankles

If your cross is swollen with a spasm, then it is a clear indication that your heart is not able to pump blood properly. At the same time, because of the heart, the kidneys also stop working properly, due to which the legs become swollen.

You may also have had a heart attack!

The biggest symptom of a heart attack is - severe chest pain. Often in a film scene, whenever someone has a heart attack, he grips his chest hard, his eyes start to look nervous due to pain and he falls on the ground. We all feel that after a heart attack, we will feel like our chest is being crushed. There is also this feeling, but not always.

When there is no supply of blood to the heart, a heart attack occurs. Usually, due to coming in the middle of a blood clot, the blood does not reach the heart, that is why there is severe pain in the chest. But sometimes there is no pain in a heart attack.

Many times there is very mild pain and people feel that this pain is due to gas due to indigestion and then whenever there is ECG in the hospital, it is known that they had a heart attack. This is called silent heart attack.

Many times a patient has pain in the jaw, neck, arm, abdomen or back, has difficulty breathing, feels weak, feels dizzy, sweats, vomiting - but does not have severe chest pain and They do not understand that they actually have heart disease.

More pain in women

It is generally believed that cases of heart attack are more common in women without chest pain, which helps them get medical help late and reduces their chances of survival. To test the truth of this belief, Canadian researchers studied 305 patients undergoing angioplasty in 2009 to measure symptoms of heart attack.

In angioplasty, a small balloon is inflated into the closed blood vessel so that it can be opened again. The symptoms of this process are somewhat similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. So during the research, when the balloon was inflated inside the blood vessel, the patients were asked what they felt. The symptoms of chest discomfort, arm pain, difficulty in breathing, sweating or nausea were similar in men and women. But women complained more about chest pain as well as neck and jaw than men.

Some other studies were done, but no concrete results were obtained regarding this recognition. Then in 2011 a comprehensive review was carried out whose sole purpose was to understand whether there is a difference in the experience of women and men in relation to heart attack.

The review included studies from the USA, Japan, Sweden, Germany, Britain, Japan and Canada. In this largest study, more than 9 lakh heart patients were reviewed. The data for the 26 best studies were taken, they were mixed and then analyzed again.

The conclusion of this review was that in case of heart attack, the complaint of chest pain in women is less than that of men, but the complaint of fatigue, nausea, dizziness, neck, jaw or arm is more than that of men. But it was also found that in most cases both women and men complain of chest pain, but around 33% of women and about 25% of men do not feel any chest pain or burning sensation or discomfort during a heart attack. This happened and because of this they also had a hard time understanding what is happening to them.

Silent Heart Attack ! Ignorance or medical help ?

It is simple when you do not understand the severity of symptoms or you will not even ask for help. On average, people wait 2 to 5 hours before getting medical help.

A new study tried to understand the thought process of people, how people decide that the condition is very serious and when the help of a doctor should be taken. Some women who have suffered a heart attack were interviewed. Half of them felt at the time of a heart attack that something was going wrong with them and immediately sought medical help. While half of the women did not realize that their symptoms were of a heart attack. They did not tell anyone anything and decided to wait.

So the lesson is that severe chest pain is dangerous and may be due to heart attack, but there are equally dangerous symptoms like jaw, arm or neck pain, nausea or dizziness. So do not ignore these symptoms and seek the help of a doctor immediately.

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