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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Workout at Home: No Gym, No Equipment

Lockdown Gym Workout at Home without any Equipment

Gym is closed in Lockdown, so do these 5 exercises in the evening after work from home, you will get best results.

The craze of excellent fitness occurs among boys. In lockdown, this craze does not happen, so we are telling you about 5 best exercises here.

Also read: Best Exercises to Help You Lose Weight

Many things have been completely locked due to the lockdown. In such a situation, those people who are going to the gym daily are getting the most trouble. After doing work from home, people are missing their gym exercise due to which many people have gain weight.

If you are also one of such people and you do not have any gym equipment in your home, then we are going to tell you some exercises that you can do to keep yourself fit by exercising at home during lockdown. So without delay we tell you about these exercises.

Basic Squat

You can do basic squat in any corner of the house. You do not necessarily need to go to the gym for this. By doing this exercise, your thighs are strengthened and their curve is also revealed. At the same time, by doing this exercise, your stomach problems can also be eliminated.

How to do

  • To perform a basic squat, first stand in a straight posture and keep a distance of 1-2 feet between your legs.
  • Now move your hands directly towards the front and keep the hands in a parallel position to the ground.
  • Now keeping your hands in front, bend your knees down at a 90 degree angle.
  • Now return to the initial position and repeat the same process again.
  • You can do this process at least 10 to 12 times.


Sit-up exercise helps in reducing weight and reducing abdominal fat, as well as to make the stomach inside out. You can do this exercise after doing work from home and before dinner in the evening. This exercise is also done a lot by people who make six pack abs. After doing this exercise only for 4 to 5 days continuously, you will start seeing the results on your own.

How to do

  • First of all lie back on the ground and spread your legs straight.
  • Fold your hands behind the head.
  • Now keep your hands on the head and try to get up while pushing on the stomach.
  • If necessary, bend the legs from the knee.
  • Try to keep the feet clinging to the ground after the legs bend from the knees.
  • Now try to sit on the hips (Back) while lifting your body and then lie back on the ground in the initial position.
  • Then repeat the same process again.
  • If you have done this exercise in the gym then you will not have any problem in doing it at home.
  • You can do this exercise at least 10 to 15 times.

Jump Squat

Performing a jump squat also strengthens your leg as well as your back muscles. Apart from this, by doing this exercise, your body's day-long fatigue can also be removed. It is similar to the basic squat but in this jump squat you have to jump with the help of them instead of keeping your feet on the ground.

How to do

  • Stand in the position of the basic squat.
  • Now balance your body and jump a little with the help of your claws.
  • Note that you do not have to jump too much, but only jump to a height of half a foot from the ground, otherwise your body balance can get upset and you may get hurt.
  • You can do 10 to 15 jump squats.

Front Plank

The front plant exercise is considered to be the best for fitness and even after going to the gym, this exercise is definitely told by the trainer. Doing this exercise helps strengthen your hands and shoulders, as well as reduce your belly fat. This exercise has a lot of craze among the people who make six pack abs. You can do up to 5 minutes by making the front plant exercise the balance of the body.

How to do

  • To do front planks exercises, you have to come in the position of push-ups.
  • After getting into the position of the pushups, fold the hands with the elbow and rest on the ground.
  • Now stick both your legs together.
  • Now you can stay in this position for at least 5 minutes.


You all will know about the exercise of doing push-ups and you must have done it in the gym. Doing push-ups not only strengthens the muscles of your hands, but your chest also gets in good shape. People who want to make six pack abs can also get a great fitness by resorting to pushups. 

How to do

  • To do push-ups exercises, get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Straighten your arms and legs.
  • Now stick both your legs together.
  • Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.
  • Pause, then push yourself back up.
  • repeat and you can do 15 to 25 pushups at one time depending on your capacity.


  1. Thank for sharing a valueable information about exercise,How we can fit ourself with different execises.If you wanna weight loss rapidly you can try Fastest Exercise Plan.

    1. Thank you for your feedback...and will definitely visit your article "Fastest Exercise Plan".


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