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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Namaste and Coronavirus

Namaste and Coronavirus: replace handshake to avoid corona virus Namaste, learn more benefits

Namaste and Coronavirus: replace Handshake to avoid corona virus To prevent the rapid growing corona virus infection, you have to pay attention to everything. A video of Britain's Prince Charles and US President Donald Trump is becoming increasingly viral, in which he is seen saying hello. They did this to avoid infection with the corona virus.

According to the World Health Organization, a guideline has also been issued about not doing handshake to avoid corona virus infection. Meanwhile, the trend of Namaste has increased rapidly and it also reduces the risk of getting infected by the corona virus by several times.

What does 'Namaste' mean?

It is very important to know first about Namaste. Actually, the word 'Namaste' derives from the Sanskrit word 'Namas'. Namaste means - "My head bowed before you." Namaste has been prevalent among us since ancient times. Even former US President Barack Obama has been seen saying hello. Not only this, by doing Namaste, you also avoid those infectious diseases, which are spread by direct contact.

How can you prevent corona virus infection?

This question is in everyone's mind, how will Namaste prevent corona infection? Actually corona virus infection spreads from person to person. There is only handshake between people in the office or while meeting people. Because of this, if the person in front has an infection or has symptoms of a cold cough, then that infection will easily infect you through handshake. At the same time, there is a great distance between two people by doing Namaste and there is no risk of infection at all. Apart from this, there are many benefits of namaste.

1. There is no deficiency in blood circulation

Today many people have problems in terms of blood circulation. At the same time, if you do hello, then your hands and heart are exercised between the cells and blood cells. This has a direct effect on blood circulation. Therefore, if you do hello, it may not cause any problem in your blood circulation.

2. Memory improves

You too often forget while working or speaking something that you have to speak and do it, then it may be beneficial for you to do Namaste. Yes, doing namaste improves people's memory. So instead of handshake you can adopt the habit of namaste.

3. Get mental peace

Today many remedies are taken by people for mental peace, while only by doing Namaste, you can get mental peace. Yes, Namaste can prove to be very beneficial for mental peace. Actually, by making Namaste, a connection is made between the hands and the head, through which positive energy is transmitted throughout the body and that is why it also provides mental peace.

What is the meaning of Namaste in Indian culture, why does science even consider it right (scientific reason) (Namaste Meaning in Hindi, Spiritual Meaning, Importance, Scientific Reason, Symbol, Origin, Benefit)

The word Namaste is used to greet the guest and the revered. The use of Namaste is generally considered appropriate in Indian culture, but due to the spread of Corona virus in the recent past, it is seen that the practice of Namaste is being adopted by foreign culture as well. The main reason for this is to keep oneself away from others and greet them lovingly. After all, what is the meaning of the word Namaste and in which countries it is generally greeted only by saying Namaste.

 For this kind of information, read this article completely-

Where did the word hello originate from -

The word Namaste originated from the Sanskrit language. Namah + te means in Sanskrit, bow to you. This entire word is combined to form the word hello. In Indian culture generally, greetings are made using words like Namaste, Pranam, Namah. Mostly Namaste is practiced in countries of South Asia. It is rooted in the civilization of India and Nepal.

Hi, not just a simple currency, but a currency that deals with science. Generally, people have to join their hands with each other. By keeping these connected hands close to the heart, the eyes have to be closed with the head bowed. Whenever a person keeps his hands close to the heart with folded hands, there are appropriate signs to keep his brain calm which brings a smile on the face of the person himself and if that person was in a state of anger then he would immediately become calm.

Hello when are you done?

On arrival of a person, he is greeted for greetings and at the same time he is greeted by saying hello, that is, he is greeted at the time of hospitality.
In addition to hospitality, in Hinduism, the greetings of God are also done by bowing with folded hands, in this also only the currency of Namaste is used.

The difference between Namaste and Handshake -

In Western culture, a hand shake is done to greet someone, that is, two people greeting each other with shaking hands but in the current situation when corona-virus disaster has occurred in many countries of the world. Or it is seen that people of Western culture are also adopting Namaste instead of handshake and science also considers Namaste instead of Hand shake. Why so ?

Why Science considers Namaste appropriate -

This is because during a hand shake the person comes in direct contact with the other person and the hand is the only medium that contains most of the viruses and if one person hands the other person the viruses are transferred and move from one body to another.

Apart from this, it is due to the current situation but in Indian culture, the practice of Namaste instead of hand shake is always prevalent. Why is there a scientific reason behind this as well, we all know that the flow of energy in humans keeps on going. Human beings have a lot of energy in which many types of energy are positive and many types of energy are negative. If a person performs a hand shake or any kind of touch while greeting a person, then the energy or energy of his body enters the body of the other person, thereby entering negative energy in the body of any person. He suffers loss as well, whose positive energy from the body moves or gets transferred to another person's body, he also suffers.

The importance of energy in the human body is very important, that is why the tradition of doing Namaste to flow its energy inside one's own body is science compatible, so Namaste is considered suitable in Hindu culture.

What is the currency of Namaste -

The currency of Namaste is called Anjali Mudra.

With deep long breath, both hands are pressed and folded together and placed near the heart, fingers are straight upwards. The thumb is placed close to the heart.
Eyes are closed by bowing the head and neck and salutation is uttered.
This entire mudra is called Anjali Mudra and it is used during greetings, namaste, pranam, satrasrikal etc.

Benefits of Namaste

  • The posture of Namaste is a Yogasana, while doing Namaste, the tension in the human mind reduces and he feels comfortable.
  • With the posture of Namaste, the mind concentrates, due to which the body gets a lot of benefits due to its focus.
  • Due to the posture of Namaste, a person is relieved of tension and by that he automatically shows a feeling of happiness on his face and in this way greeting someone, deepening the relationship between humans.
  • Due to the fixed position of the hands, wrists and fingers from the posture of Namaste, it brings flexibility in it, it is considered a kind of hand yoga.
  • In Hindu culture, greetings posture has many benefits of Namaste and also gives Namaste salvation from the harm caused by hand shaking, so in today's time Western civilization is also incorporating Namaste into its culture.

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