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Monday, September 28, 2020

Push Ups

 Push Ups Guide for Beginner

Along with balanced diet, physical exercise is also necessary to keep the body fit and healthy. Exercise can help in keeping the body fit as well as keeping many types of diseases away. In addition, stamina of the body also increases by exercising regularly. In this article, we are talking about one such special exercise i.e, push ups. In this article, we will explain what is push up. Also, we will give information about the benefits of push ups and how to do this exercise. Also keep in mind that before starting any physical exercise, it is necessary to take training from a trainer and it will be beneficial only by doing it regularly.


What is push up?

Push ups are a common exercise in which the entire body is placed parallel to the ground and kept upright. By placing the palms on both sides of the chest, the body is made up and down by emphasizing the arms and shoulders. In this state, the entire weight of the body is on the palms and toes of the feet. Push-ups can be helpful in strengthening muscles, triceps and shoulders as well as increasing body strength.

After knowing about push ups, here we are explaining the types of push ups.

Types of push ups

Push ups can be done in many ways. But, here we are telling you about some of its special and common types:

1. Standard push ups: This is the most common way of doing push ups. In this, the hands are placed parallel to the shoulder and some distance between the legs.

2. Modified push ups: In this method of push ups, the hands are kept parallel to the shoulders, but the knees remain adjacent to the ground. For those who are doing push ups for the first time, this approach is best for the beginning.

3. Wide push ups: In this push up, the legs are fully stretched and your hands are pushed upwards by keeping the hands at some distance from the shoulders. This method is also easier for people doing push ups for the first time.

4. Narrow push ups: In this method of push ups, the hands are placed inward near the chest. This method may seem a bit daunting in the beginning.

5. Decline Push Up: In this type of push up, the hands are placed parallel to the shoulder and the feet are placed on a slightly higher table or ladder. It takes more effort to do this, but it soon shows the effect.

6. Plyometric push-ups: This is an advanced way of doing push ups. In this, while pushing up, the upper part of the body is raised up and clapping. Then hands are placed back on the ground. During this time the claws remain adjacent to the ground.

Advantages of push ups

Like many types of exercise, push ups can also be beneficial for the body. Here we are explaining in detail about the benefits of push ups.

1. Strengthen hands, shoulders and chest

A research was done on students of Korean University to find out how push ups are beneficial for hands, shoulders and chest. Research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) states that doing push-ups causes muscle strain. Also, hands, shoulders and chest are strengthened.

2. Relieve backache

Poor lifestyle and careless physical activity can cause back pain. In this case, push ups can help reduce this problem to some extent. Research has found that doing push-ups improves muscle strength. Also, a stretch in the muscle can be helpful in reducing pain by removing stiffness. People who have lower back pain can benefit from push ups. Also, there is agility in the body.

3. Strengthen muscles

One advantage of push ups is that if done properly, the muscles can become stronger. Some people between the ages of 20 and 30 were researched to confirm this fact. According to this research, the muscles of people's shoulders, arms and arms were strengthened by doing push ups.

4. Advantages of push ups to lose weight

Increasing weight or obesity can cause many types of problems. Push ups can be beneficial to overcome this problem. Some research is available on this topic on the NCBI website. According to them, people who do push ups, along with heart problems, obesity problems can be reduced to a great extent.

After knowing the advantages of push ups, now we are talking about how to do push ups exercises.

 Steps to do Push-Ups

Based on the different types of push ups mentioned above, here we are showing how to do push ups exercises.

1. Standard Push Up:

  • First of all, lay a yoga mat on the ground. After this, lie on your stomach.
  • Keep the neck straight and keep the palms under the shoulders. Also claws should be adjacent to the ground.
  • Now, with emphasis on the hands, lift the body upwards. Then come down comfortably.
  • Bring your body down until the chest touches the ground.
  • Now slowly raise your body back upwards. Keep your hands straight and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  • Then slowly come back down.

2. Modified Push Up:

  • First of all place your hands slightly down the shoulder on the mat. Also, keep a short distance between the feet and keep the knees fixed to the ground.
  • Now take the rest of your body downwards as before.
  • Move your body down until your chest touches the ground.
  • After this, push the body back upwards.
  • Do this method several times in a row.

3. Wide Push Up:

  • To perform this push up, you get into a standard push up, but keep your hands a little distance from the shoulder.
  • After this, bring your body down comfortably, until the chest hits the ground.
  • After this, rise back up and repeat this method.

4. Narrow Push Ups:

  • Narrow push ups are initiated similar to standard push ups. All that has to be done is that both of your hands are placed inward towards the chest.
  • The entire method followed is similar to standard push ups.

5. Decline Push Up:

  • This push up is done using a table or stairs. Your hands are placed on the ground in a straight line and the feet are placed on the table or ladder.
  • After this, bring your body downward with ease and try to attach the chest to the ground.
  • Then move back upwards.

6. Plyometric Push-Ups:

  • To perform this push up, come into the position of standard push up.
  • After this move your body downwards.
  • Then raise the body upwards with a jerk and separate both hands from the ground or try to clap and then stabilize the hands back to their place on the ground.
  • Now bring your body back down and while coming upwards, do the same method as before.

Note: If you are doing push ups for the first time, then try to do it under the supervision of a knowledgeable person. Also, each push up should be done in a set of three.

Following the method of doing push ups, here we are telling you how to do push ups in C form.

Tips for doing push ups in proper form

Whether doing push ups or any other exercise, it is important to always keep in mind some useful things. Here we are giving some special tips for push ups.

  • While doing the push up, keep your hands facing the shoulder.
  • Keep the feet together or at a distance of about 12 inches.
  • Keep your back straight and leave your body weight on hands and feet.
  • Look down as you go downwards, and when you reach the bottom completely or until the elbow is at 90 degrees, then look towards the front.
  • While doing push ups, move your body downward with ease. It should not be hurried.
  • The wall must be bent at least 45 degrees to push up.
  • Try to get up in half the time you are taking to go down.

In this part of the article, we are going to explain the disadvantages of doing push ups.

 Side Effects of Push Up

Although push ups have been considered a good exercise, but if it is done due to lack of information or if done incorrectly, it can have negative consequences. Here we are giving information about the disadvantages of doing push ups.

  • Incorrect push ups can cause pain in the neck, back, abdomen and wrist.
  • In addition, there is a fear of injury to the elbow due to improper push ups and there is a possibility of sprains in the body.
  • Muscle strains and stiffness may also occur.

Any exercise, if it is done properly, can be beneficial for health. One of them is push ups. You learned about push ups and its benefits through the article, as well as information about how it should be done. If you are going to do a push up for the first time, then our advice would be to do it under the supervision of a good trainer. In the comment box below, you should tell about the benefits of push ups and how this article gives information about how it was beneficial for you.

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