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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Stress Management

Stress Management: Best way to relieve stress

Stress and Anxiety have become a common problem for most people. Often stress, stress causes workload, lack of time, improper eating, poor lifestyle and family problems. If stress management is not done on time, stress becomes the cause of many diseases. So today you will learn about some of the best ways to relieve stress here, due to which you can reduce stress to a great extent.

Best ways to relieve stress and anxiety:

What is stress?

What is stress and why is stress management needed?

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Despite not wanting, stress becomes an important part of our life and with time it becomes a matter of concern. Although stress is a normal natural activity, problems associated with day-to-day life take over us when we are unable to solve it or it starts dominating us.

According to medical psychology, adrenalin and non-adrenalin fluid flow when the physical and mental functioning starts disturbing. Due to which the tension increases and the person goes into depression.

In fact, stress can have adverse effects on the body, while it also affects the alertness of our mind. That's why doing "Stress Management" can reduce stress to a great extent.

Some major causes of stress

  • Heavy workload
  • Lack of time
  • High standard of living
  • Financial troubles
  • lack of sleep
  • Improper routines
  • disease
  • Atmosphere effect
  • Confusion in relationships
  • Physical disqualification etc.


symptoms of stress

  • The person starts smoking and consuming more alcohol.
  • Tea and drink too much
  • Snag your hair
  • More knee jerk
  • Strike in every work
  • Like to be alone
  • Blind carriage
  • Overdo it
  • Stay aloof from society
  • Always thinking
  • Don't like to laugh
  • To be scared
  • To be more angry
  • Mostly cold feet

Side Effects of Stress

  • Memory loss
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Become weak
  • Go crazy
  • Stay sad
  • Sudden increase in heart rate
  • Mostly cold feet
  • Inverse thoughts

Stress related diseases

  • Risk of heart disease
  • Asthma
  • obesity.
  • diabetes
  • Headache
  • depression and anxiety
  • Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Premature aging
  • Premature death

Till now you have read what is stress, how does it happen, what is the cause, what are the symptoms and what can be the disease. Therefore, when you have fully recognized stress, now you know how to end stress i.e. how to get rid of stress.

Stress Management

Stress management can reduce stress to a great extent, so let's know-

Keep stress away from positive attitude

Negative thinking Negative attitude is mainly responsible for stress in life. To get rid of stress, one has to make one's thinking attitude positive. To make the negative positive, we should read positive enlightening books and continuously practice meditation.

Accept that there are some events that you cannot control

There is a cruel truth in life that some people refuse to accept: You have no control over many things that happen in your life. Some people think of everything from natural disasters to deadly diseases. Their worries keep them afloat, but eventually they waste their time and energy, because worrying does no good.

Admit this. If there is a solution to something, find it and if it is not, it is pointless to worry. If you find yourself wasting time worrying about things you cannot control. , So here are some points that can help you -

Determine what you can control and what not.

Focus on your impact - write down why you are feeling like this. Focus on changing your behavior.

Recognize your fear.

Difference Between Rumor and Problem-Solving

Make a plan to manage your stress.

Develop a healthy environment.

Relieve stress with meditation and yoga

Through yoga, you can remove stress and tension.

Exercise regularly. Being fit can help your body fight stress better.

Eat healthy, balanced diet.

Eat little, but eat only clean and nutritious food.

Learn to manage your time more effectively.

Make a chart to do every work on time. Set work priorities. As long as your mind will not be clear about which work to do first and which later, then you will be confused. Do the creative work first. Try to stay away from your phone in the morning, so that your mind is calm and you can work well throughout the day.

Remove the causes of stress

Stay away from any reason that causes you stress or reduce those reasons. Nowadays, one reason for stress is seen that we are not happy with the work we are doing or we are not interested in it. Nevertheless, he continues to work with impunity.

Clarity in vision

When we do some work without any purpose, are not well aware of our needs, then this increases our stress the most. If we do not know what we need from ourselves, we will always be in disharmony. Therefore, if there is any confusion, then we should talk about it immediately.

Make time for hobbies, interest, and relaxation.

In our desire to get more, we get so busy in work that we cannot rest properly in our work of choice. If you want to get rid of stress then take time for your family, your interest and also take a little rest in between work. If under stress, get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time and energy to overcome stressful events.

Proper time management

Better time management has many advantages. It keeps us focused, makes sense of priorities and also reduces stress. One of the best ways to improve time management is not to expect too much, think about your progress daily, make routines, so that you can complete all the work on time according to priority. Keep some reserve time in your planning as well. It will be able to complete the work on time even if there is any disruption and there will not be any unnecessary stress.

Do not rely on alcohol, drugs or compulsive behavior to reduce stress

You can get rid of it for some time, but later it will become more deadly for you. Therefore, relying on alcohol, drugs or compulsive behavior to reduce stress is not good.

Spend enough time with the people you love

With whom you like to talk, with whom you feel good. By sharing your talk with them, you can reduce stress to a great extent.

 Stress Management Tips-

Apart from this, you should also adopt these measures like -

  • Make changes in your lifestyle.
  • Avoid getting up and down with negative people.
  • Be with happy and positive thinking people.
  • Do not discuss or debate unnecessarily with anyone.
  • Set a time to sleep and wake up in the morning.
  • Do not work more than physical capacity at all.
  • Share your concerns with friends and family.
  • Only eat nutritious and balanced diet.
  • Listen to music - whatever you like.
  • Don't stick to gadgets like mobiles, televisions and laptops all the time.
  • Visit a beautiful scenic place during the holidays.
  • If you feel you must contact the doctor.

In the end, I would like to say that if you feel that you are under stress for a long time or you are not able to overcome it then it is necessary to contact the doctor. Long-term stress can make you a victim of serious illness.


If you have any doubt, please let me know.