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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Mental Health Awareness: Part II

Note: World Mental Health Day 2020 Special

 ( Part - II )

Mental Disorder: Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications & Prevention 

Both physical and mental health are very important for any person. Mental health makes a person aware of his or her abilities and gives them confidence that they can cope with stress in life and can contribute to the development of their community through their work or actions. Here, we are going to discuss about treatments, diagnosis, preventions and complications of mental health disorder.

What is the treatment of mental disorder? 

Following are the treatment of mental illness-

1. Need to be admitted in hospital: In the treatment of mental illness when hospitalized, usually stabilization monitoring is fluid and nutritional care and other urgent emergency care. 

A person needs to be admitted to the hospital when
  • he has symptoms of severe mental health.
  • Have hallucinations or delusions.
  • Suicidal ideation?
  • not slept or eaten for a long time.
  • No ability to take care of oneself due to symptoms of mental health.

2. Psychotherapy: Different types of psychotherapy are available for mental illness such as- 
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Personal therapy
  • Family medicine
  • Mutual treatment

3. Medicines:  Medications can be used to treat symptoms of mental illness. Following are the medicines used for mental illness.
  • Antidepressant medicine
  • Anti anxiety medicine
  • Mood stabilizers drugs
  • Psychotropic drugs

4. Alternative treatment: Following are some alternative treatments for mental illness.
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Healthy diet
  • Exercise

How is mental disorder diagnosed? 

To investigate the diagnosis of mental illness and related complications, the following tests can be done. 

1. Physical Examination: In physical examination, your doctor will try to overcome the physical problems that may be causing your symptoms.

2. Lab Test: Lab test can be done to check your thyroid or to check for alcohol and drugs.

3. Psychological assessment : Your doctor asks you about your symptoms, thoughts, feelings, behavior, in psychological assessment. A questionnaire may also be asked to be filled.

What can be the complications of mental illness?

Mental illness is a major cause of disability. It has the following complications-
  • Sadness and lack of enjoyment in life
  • Weak immune system that takes your body time to fight infection.
  • Family problems.
  • Problems in relationships. 
  • Social isolation.
  • Tobacco, alcohol and other narcotic problems.
  • Poverty and homelessness.
  • Suicide or harm to others.
  • Increased risk of accidents.
  • Heart disease and other medical problems.
  • Being depressed.
  • Addicted to loneliness.

How can mental illness be prevented?

There is no sure way to prevent mental illness. However, people have to face a lot of problems due to mental illness. If you have mental illness, you can control stress and help increase self-esteem. For this, keep the following points in mind.

Get regular treatment & support

Mental health conditions can be difficult to treat if you wait until the symptoms worsen. Long-term treatment can help prevent goals. Do not stop going to the health doctor, especially if you are not feeling well.

Take care of yourself

Adequate sleep, nutritious diet and regular exercise is important. Try to maintain a rule. Talk to your doctor if you are having trouble or if you have any questions about diet and exercise.

Pay attention to warning signs

Talk to your doctor about which conditions can trigger your symptoms. Make a plan so that you know what to do if you experience symptoms. Contact your doctor if you feel any change.

Trying to build confidence 

Apart from this, as far as mental illness is concerned, the person who is self-confident, the chances of getting mental illness are much less.

Getting plenty of sleep 

Sleeping less can prove harmful for any person and it can make them ill.

For this reason, if a person wants to avoid mental illness, then he should get enough sleep.

Spending time with friends

We all have a very special place in life, they support us in happiness as well as in sorrow.

For this reason, most psychologists recommend people with mental illness to spend more and more time with friends, so that they can emerge from mental illness.

Laughter therapy 

Laughter therapy is becoming very popular recently.

Since laughter is considered very healthy, which leads to positive energy in a person, experts recommend people to do laughter therapy.

Therefore, laughter therapy can prove to be a beneficial remedy in the prevention of mental illness.

At present time, how fast mental illness is spreading in India can be gauged from the report published on the Economics Times.

According to the report published in the Economics Times, 7.5 percent of population in India are suffering from some form of mental illness while only 4,000 psychologists are present in the country.

These figures are enough to describe the serious state of mental illness, but it is quite unfortunate that people have very little information about mental illness.

But, we hope that this article will prove helpful in changing this thinking of the people and people will get some seriousness about mental illness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ'S)

Q1. What are the 5 symptoms of mental illness?

Ans- The main 5 symptoms of mental illness are- feeling depressed, frequent mood changes, excess fear, nervousness or anxiety, being alone, sudden changes in eating and sleeping habits.

Q2. What are the 7 types of mental illness?

Ans- 7 types of mental illness are the following- Mood disorder, nervous disorder, personality disorder, mental disorder, eating disorder, trauma disorder, addiction.

Q3. What are the causes of mental illness?

Ans- Mental diseases can be caused due to many reasons, the main ones are bad memories related to childhood, losing someone close, being insulted etc.

Q4. How to treat a mental patient?

Ans- All of us should deal with mental patients in a normal manner, help people with mental illness, take care of them etc.

Q5. How can mental balance be maintained?

Ans- To maintain mental balance, it is very important to have positive thinking, besides doing yoga or exercising can also keep mental balance stable.

Q6. Is mental disease treatment possible?

Ans- Yes, treatment of mental illness is possible. For this, doing yoga, contacting a psychologist, taking medicines etc. methods can prove helpful.

Q7. How can I prevent mental illness?

Ans- Mental disease can happen to any person, so we all should take necessary steps to prevent mental illness at our own level. In this, increasing confidence, taking laughter therapy, meeting people, getting plenty of sleep, etc. can prove useful measures.

Note:  We have discussed the Types, Symptoms and Causes of  Mental Health Disorder in the 1st part of Mental Health Awareness. 

Click the link below to read the 1st part of Mental Health Awareness:👇


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