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Friday, August 14, 2020

Take care of kitchen, bathroom & toilet hygiene

 Take care of kitchen, bathroom & toilet hygiene 

Take care of kitchen hygiene

It is very important to keep the kitchen clean in the house. You believe in feeding your family a good diet and nutritious food, but if the kitchen is dirty, your body will not feel anything. Your health cannot remain healthy until the same stuff in the kitchen is used with cleaning. If you do not clean the stove and slab after cooking at night, then you are inviting germs and cockroaches.

1. Ways to keep the kitchen towel clean

Similarly, if you do not wash the knife after using it, you are still giving the bacteria a chance to grow. So friends, if you have a little idea of ​​the hygiene of the kitchen, then try these tips.

2. Wash the knife after every use

 Don't forget to wash the knife. At the end of the day, wash the knives with a hot soap solution, so that bacteria and dirt contained in it can be cleaned.

3. Cutting board

Veg and non-veg eaters should have two separate cutting boards. Bacteria are spread on the board by cutting non-vegetarian material, which you can use hydrogen paraoxide to remove. It destroys bacteria and germs.

4. Sterilize

Sterilize the bottle, pan and cutting board once a week in hot water. Make the kitchen scrub, kitchen towel and cloth sterile.

5. Clean the slab after cooking

 It is very basic rule of kitchen that do not forget to clean the kitchen slab after cooking. If even a slight grain of food has fallen on the slab, it will feast on ants and cockroaches.

6. Keep the cover covered

 Always keep the pan and the pan covered, so that mosquitoes and flies do not fall into it.

7. Do not save cooked food

Do not keep the food cooked for a long time, due to this, heating it again and again increases the chances of its getting spoiled.

8. Spraying baking soda around dustbin

The dustbin of the kitchen smells bad due to spoiled food. So sprinkle baking soda around the bin so that germs are destroyed and the smell does not spread throughout the house.

How to clean the bathroom

Just as you try to keep every corner of your house clean, similarly your bathroom also needs a lot of cleaning. It is because personal hygiene is hidden in the bathroom cleaning. If your house is shining and the bathroom is dirty, then cleaning is of no use. Today we will tell you how to clean the bathroom so that it shines with the house.

bathroom HYGIENE

1. Start the bathroom cleaning with shelves first. Pick up all the old shampoos, conditioners and face washes on the bathroom shelves and throw them out. People always buy new items and the old goods boxes are lying in the same way. Do not make your bathroom dustbin.

2. Clean the place where you place soap too. If soap has accumulated in the soap granule, remove it and clean it. If soap granule is dirty then it can cause infection. Also, do not let the soap get wet in water. Keep it in a dry place. Wash it with water before using.

3. Clean the walls of the bathroom as far as the splashes are, so that bacteria do not grow on the walls. Change your toilet brush every six months as it is used daily.

4. It is seen that sometimes water comes out from the shower. This happens because there is a continuous flow of hard water in the water, which leads to mineralization and freezing in the showerhead. To overcome this, take out the shower head and put it in vinegar for 30 seconds. This will clean it and water will flow properly.

5. Make sure to smoke mosquito incense sticks at the toilet and bathroom at least twice a week, so that insects and mites are destroyed. For this, burn the mosquito incense sticks and keep the door closed for at least one hour.

Follow these tips for toilet hygiene

World Toilet Day is celebrated every year on 19 November. To overcome the problem of sanitation around the world and achieve the goal of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, World Toilet Day is celebrated with this objective. The theme of World Toilet Day this year is also Leaving no one behind. According to an estimate, 4.2 billion people worldwide still do not have toilet facilities. At the same time, many health problems arise due to lack of proper sanitation. In addition, toilet hygiene is also a major problem facing the world.

Toilet is a hotspot for harmful microbes. They can be on floors, taps, toilet seats, doors, handles, wash basins etc. Dirty and unhygienic toilets are a source of various harmful diseases including typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and parasitic infections. Toilet hygiene is also essential for good health.

Under toilet hygiene, the toilet is a humid place due to the use of regular water in the house. At such a place a large number of germs and bacteria thrive. Bacteria like E-coli, Salmonella are also found in bathrooms. These bacteria are present on the toilet seat, floor, flush and door handles. Bacteria in the toilet absorb organic waste and release gases which is why we have a dirty smell in the toilet. In such a situation, toilet hygiene is particularly needed.

Important tips for toilet hygiene are:

Clean the floor:

When cleaning the floor under toilet hygiene, start in one corner of the bathroom and exclude the dirt while stroking towards the same place. Collect garbage and put it in the trash.

Disinfect all the most touched places:

Clean toilet flush handles, door knobs, taps, paper towel dispensers, stall locks, light switches and walls etc. with disinfectants. Put phenyl and other pesticides on the surface to eliminate germs and bacteria and leave for a while. Pay special attention to cleaning the floors, baseboards, tiles, grout and especially the areas around the toilet.

Clean mirrors and lights:

Clean the mirror with a tissue paper. Clean out dust and germs with lights, vents, taps, fans and light switches.

Close the lid before flushing:

Every time you flush the toilet, bacteria are released into the air and then to all the surrounding surfaces. So while flushing the toilet, make sure that the toilet lid is down. Doing this will reduce the spread of bacteria in the toilet.

Clean the toilet brush:

Also remember to clean the toilet brush. It can spread bacteria if it is not cleaned after every use. Clean the toilet brush with disinfectant. Also, the toilet brush should be changed once every six months.

Take care of toilet ventilation:

To reduce the level of humidity in the room, let the toilet vent and also check if the ventilation system is working properly. Allow the floor to dry completely. The fastest way to do this is to use a dry wipe, which can help clean the floor of any liquid. It also reduces the risk of slipping.

Sanitize the toilet seat:

Under toilet hygiene, clean the toilet seat with a specially designed disinfectant to prevent bacteria from spreading. If you have children at home, follow the same method for their toilet seat. Use products such as toilet seat sanitizer sprays, which remove harmful germs and bacteria.

Clean your hands regularly

Additional care is required when using the toilet. A large amount of bacteria is found on flush knobs and taps. These are ideal places for microbes to come in contact with you because they come in direct contact with our hands from here. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or handwash every time you use the toilet.

Do not use mobile in the toilet

Understanding toilet hygiene, also know that do not use mobile in the toilet. According to one study, 75 percent of the people usually use mobile in the toilet. At the same time, according to another study, your mobile is more dirty than a toilet seat. In such a situation, when moving the mobile in the toilet, it comes in contact with more bacteria. Apart from this, today we use mobile in every work of our day. In such a situation it is harmful for your health.


Toilet hygiene includes keeping the toilet area clean as well as other hygienic habits, such as washing hands. Here are some useful tips for toilet hygiene, which reduces the risk of infection transmission.

-After using the toilet, clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

- Avoid hand taps, doors, handles, toilet seats, etc., for this you can use tissue or toilet paper.

- Clean the toilet flush handle, door handle, tap, light switch, toilet seats etc. using disinfectant.

- Put any type of garbage in the dustbin itself.

- Ensure that the toilet continues to blow air.

- Clean the toilet regularly with good quality cleaning products with strong disinfectant capacity, so that microorganisms and stains are cleaned.

- Do not place your bag or phone on the toilet floor, especially in public toilets.

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