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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Pregnancy

Please note - The information given here is based on the small number of pregnant women suffering from covid-19 infection. It is always better to keep talking to the doctor and nurse.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Pregnancy

What is Covid-19?

Covid-19 is an infection caused by the corona virus. This virus is similar to the common cold virus. In a normal person, its symptoms remain like a common cold, but a person suffering from diabetes and lung disease can reach this virus in a serious condition. Covid 19 usually causes cough and fever or difficulty in breathing. Breathing increases when the disease becomes more severe and may need to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

How does it spread?

The virus is spread by coming into contact with an infected person. It can also spread through cough or sneeze of an infected person. The virus is secreted from saliva and nose and can infect another person through nose, mouth and eye.

How can COVID-19 be avoided?

After coming in contact with objects outside your house, wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face with your hands. These are the best ways. Maintaining social distance (2 meters or 4 feet from others) and home Staying inside is a good way of defense. Infection does not spread to the other person, so while coughing or sneezing, cover the mouth with the inside of the elbow.

Should i go to the hospital?

If you have an appointment, it would be appropriate to talk first. Many problems can be solved by talking to the telephone. If you have to go to the hospital, after touching something, wash your hands and do not touch your face. Seated 2 meters away from other people. Wash hands before and after coming home. If you have a cough, wear a mask. If you have Covid-19, then ask about your appointment by telephone.

Is covid-19 infection dangerous in pregnant women?

Very little information is available in this subject. It is best to avoid getting sick. It is known that this infection is not very serious in pregnant women. But if you already have diabetes, high blood pressure, lung disease or HIV infection, then your risk may be high. You will need special care. Healthy pregnant women can rest at home, but if the disease is taking serious form then it is necessary to reach the hospital immediately. Mother and child can be kept safe by taking prompt care. After severe infection of covid-19 there is an increased risk of premature delivery and caution is necessary for this. Paracetamol is a safe medicine for fever.

Is Covid 19 infection dangerous for my fetus?

The virus does not reach the baby during pregnancy. Covid-19 infection does not increase the risk of congenital malformations, although there are very few women we know who have become pregnant after infection with COVID-19. There is an increased risk of brain and spinal deformities when there is high fever during 6 to 6 weeks of gestation, it can happen in about 1000 women with 2. This risk can be from any kind of fever, not only from Covid-19. During the pregnancy, such pathologies can be detected by ultrasound.

The biggest danger is premature delivery, it can happen automatically due to illness or may have to be done in the interest of the child due to any medical reason. The closer the delivery is, the better and safer it is.

If you have Covid-19 infection and you are in childbirth then you may lack oxygen, in such a situation the child may also have problems. The delivery should be done in the hospital itself where there can be good care and if necessary a caesarean operation can be done. Cesarean is not needed just because of covid-19 infection.

Some studies with similar viruses have suggested that the child's growth may be inhibited after infection such as covid 19. For this, ultrasound is necessary after 2 to 4 weeks of infection. Regular ultrasound after 2 to 4 weeks is considered necessary to see the development of the baby.

What should I do if I have covid-19 infection soon after giving birth?

It is not clear whether it is right to keep mothers infected with covid-19 separate from the child. Different regions will make different decisions based on local availability and local status of covid-19. If you are feeling well then stay with the child, under certain circumstances you may have to stay away from the child. For this, consult your doctor and nurse. Do not touch the child's face and protect the child from infection due to cough and sneeze. If the child is sleeping, make a distance of 2 meters. Before touching the child, wash both hands thoroughly with soap and water and apply a mask on your face.

Can I breastfeed if I have covid-19?

Some infected women did not detect the virus in the milk test. So it is safe to breastfeed the baby. Wash the hands well and do not touch the baby's face, it is better to feed them by wearing a mask.

You can keep milk out of your hands and pumps and can give milk to another person. Wash hands before feeding and leaving.

What if someone at home has symptoms of covid-19 after the birth of my child?

If such people are taking care of the child then they should take necessary precautions. If not necessary, then such people keep distance from the child. You should also keep distance from such people and wash your hands regularly. New research has shown that once covid-19 infection has occurred, the risk of recurrence is less, yet necessary precautions are taken before touching the child.

 Questions you can ask your doctor or midwife:

  • I have come in contact with a person suffering from symptoms like covid-19, should I get tested?
  • I have symptoms like covid-19, should I check?
  • Should I and other family members live in the house?
  • I have covid 19 infection during pregnancy, when should I do ultrasound?
  • Should I stay away from a newborn if I am ill?

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