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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Mental Health Awareness: Part - I

Note: World Mental Health Day 2020 Special

( Part -  I )

Mental Disorder: Types, Symptoms & Causes

World Mental Health Day will be celebrated all over the world on 10 October. This day is celebrated every year with the aim of spreading awareness about mental diseases and their dangerous effects in people.

According to a recent report released by the World Health Organization (WHO), around 7.5 percent of Indians suffer from some form of mental disorder. Also, according to WHO estimates, by the year 2020, about 20 percent of India's population will suffer from mental illnesses. Despite such a large number of mental patients, till now it has not been recognized as a disease in India, even today mental health is completely neglected here and it is considered imaginary. Whereas the truth is that just as physical diseases can be harmful for us, similarly mental diseases can also adversely affect our health.

In such a situation, it is necessary to change this perception of the people and get complete information about mental illness. If you also do not know more about mental illness, you must read this article so that you can identify its symptoms, causes and get the right treatment for it.  Here you are being given complete information about it.

What is mental illness?

Mental disease is also known by the names of psychosis or mental health disorder (MDI) etc. Mental health affects our ability to think, understand, feel and act. When a person is unable to think properly, does not control his own emotions and behavior, then such a condition is called mental illness. The mental patient is not able to understand others easily and has difficulty in doing everyday tasks properly.

Significantly, the World Health Organization (WHO) includes physical health as well as mental health in its definition of health.

What are the types of mental illness?

There are  6 types of mental disorder, which are as follows-

1. Anxiety disorder

People who suffer from panic often get nervous very quickly in anything. Many times they get scared of something or they are afraid to do something. Nervousness is clearly visible on their face or their hands, which is often understood by the people in front. In such a situation, their heart starts beating very fast and they start sweating very fast. This shows that they are very mentally weak due to which they are very much nervous.

2. Mood disorder

Everyone's mood often changes. Sometimes there is sadness, sometimes there is happiness, which directly affects our mood. But getting lost in this way is also a kind of depression. We often see this among ourselves as friends or family members. When he is unhappy, he remains unhappy about the same thing for many days, neither does he feel like eating nor does he go anywhere can be called depression.

3. Impulse Control and Addiction Disorder

Many times it happens that people are so affected by the occurrence of something bad or a good thing that they make something addictive. Often people start consuming alcohol, cigarettes or drugs when they are unhappy. Due to which they slowly start getting addicted. Then later they are unable to live without him, they want it under any circumstances. After getting addicted to these things, his brain stops working and meanwhile he forget his responsibilities too.

4. Obsessive compulsive disorder

In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), the person starts getting inappropriate thoughts and also gets scared. Apart from this, if someone is forced to think of the same topic or the same idea again and again, then you have the effect of (OBVIOUS COMPULSIVE DISORDER). When a person does the same thing over and over again, For example, if someone is washing their hands repeatedly or washing their face again and again then it is also a symptom of disorder.

5. Personality disorder

People affected by personality disorder often find themselves right in everything. They always get their feelings and behavior right. Even if they quarrel with someone, they do not know their mistake in it, because they think they are right. Due to this disorder, they also gradually loses their family.

6. Tick ​​disorder

People who are affected by a tick disorder are prone to sudden things. Like, those people who suddenly stand on hearing a voice or suddenly get scared of something. It often happens in those people that they lose their temper too many times by suddenly seeing or hearing something.

There are following some other types of mental illness:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Dementia
  • Dyslexia
  • ADHD ( Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder )
  • Depression 
  • Phobia
  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder )
  • Delusion
  • Hallucination

What are the symptoms of mental illness?

According to the WHO report, every 40 seconds a person commits suicide worldwide. The biggest reason for this is the lack of mental health awareness. Depression motivates diseases like anxiety and ironically, no one is ready to accept them as illness.

According to a research, mental illnesses are most commonly seen in youth under 35 years. These diseases can be prevented to a great extent. People just have to be a little conscious about it.

 If you do not want to go to the doctor, then take the initiative yourself and know how you can keep your mental health right.

According to doctors, if these signs are identified in time, then this disease can be avoided.

  • Memory failure
  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Depression
  • Insanity or hallucination to separate from reality
  • Stay away from people and other activities
  • You don't remember when you were happy the last time
  • Suicidal thinking
  • Distraction or loss of ability to concentrate
  • Extreme mood changes
  • Feeling extreme fear or concerns or feelings of guilt
  • Problems with reduced energy or sleep
  • Libido changes
  • Excessive anger or violent behavior

What are the causes of mental illness?

However, there is no exact cause of mental illness, so it is quite difficult to say what causes or can cause mental illness.

But, despite this, many studies done on manovikar have confirmed that mental diseases are mainly due to these 4 reasons-

1. Unfair of the family environment 

It is believed that if there are daily fighting in a house, it will have a bad effect on the child. Because of this, they fall prey to mental illness, which requires psychological support.

2. An accident in childhood 

When an accident with a child, such as the death of a parent, death of a loved one, failure in a class, etc., then its effect is quite profound on his mind, and he becomes a victim of mental illness.

3. Eating non-nutritious food 

Some people may not believe that mental illness can also be caused by non-nutritious food such as processed foods, artificial and sugary products, gluten, alcohol, soda, foods high in sodium, caffeine etc.

However, there are cases in which a person who eats continuously non-nutritious food becomes a victim of mental illness.

4. Substance Abuse 

If a person consumes a high amount of narcotics, it does not only affect his physical health but it also spoils his mental health.

As a result, his brain is unable to function properly and soon becomes a victim of mental illness.

Note:  We have discussed the Treatments, Diagnosis, Complications, Preventions and FAQs about Mental Health Disorder in the 2nd part of Mental Health Awareness. 

Click the link given below to read the 2nd part of Mental Health Awareness:👇


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