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Sunday, November 22, 2020

November 22, 2020

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss

Recommended by Dt. Poonam Agarwal

Weight Loss & Burn Fat Fast

Are you also confused about fat loss and weight loss!

Obesity has become a common problem nowadays due to wrong lifestyle. Today, obesity is the main cause of many diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, increased cholesterol, fatty liver, digestive diseases, along with depression and social Isolation is also seen due to this.

Throughout the day, fat accumulates near the waist and abdomen, which seems very bad to see. In such a situation, people often keep taking information about fat loss and weight loss to reduce obesity. But do you know the difference between fat loss and weight loss? Today we are going to tell you about fat loss and weight loss in this article, as well as some tips for how to reduce them, which will be very effective for you.

Difference b/w Weight Loss and Fat Loss

Also read: Weight Loss Calorie Diet Plan

When we talk about weight loss, we can have weight loss in many forms such as total body mass, loss of fluid (water), in the form of muscles. The weight loss seen in majority is mostly found in extreme overweight people. For example, being 20-30 kg more than age (whether in man or woman), the weight loss is mostly in the form of muscle and water loss. Now let's talk about fat loss which is very important. Fat loss is the reduction of extra fat deposited over muscles in fat loss.

In simple words, when you reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, the carbohydrates (which are the fuel of your body that give you glucose), cause to very low, the body to start eating its stored fat (which is your extra fat). Then, your body loses fat. On the other hand, When your body starts taking below maintenance calories, you mean that you used to take 2000 calories to maintain 85 kg weight and now you will take less calories than 1700,1800 or 1900 calories, then your body will lose weight. 

Which is better Weight Loss or Fat Loss?

Also read: Fat Loss Challenge -10 days, 6 ways

Now let's talk about what is better weight loss or fat loss. The fat percentage should be 15 to 20% in a mail body and 17 to 25% in a female. If there is more fat in your body, then pay attention to the fat loss and bring it normal. Because if it is more than this, then you may have diabetes, heart attack and high blood pressure. If you bring it down, then the cells that are in the body are made from fat, that body will not get. Also, your brain is made up of 75% fat and water, so your body functioning and brain functioning will be greatly affected. If your fat percentage is between 15-20, then you do not need to think about fat loss. 

Weight loss is measured by ideal number. This ideal number depends on your age and your height. If you are overweight by 10-20%, then you can control it by exercising or dieting. It does not matter if you do not want to reduce it, but make sure that it does not go more than 10-20%. If it goes beyond 20% then you are very much at risk of heart attack and diabetes. Even the bodybuilder, who has an ideal weight of more than 20%, has a lot of problems in his body in the future.

Ideal Weight Formula:

Body Weight Calculator

Body Fat Calculator

Tips for weight loss:

There are many natural ways to lose weight that actually work and have also been certified. Here are such easy methods that will help you to lose weight naturally and safely.

1. Make changes in the diet to lose weight:

  • Start taking a balanced diet.
  • Stay away from simple and refined carbohydrates.
  • Must take protein.
  • Eat the best type of fat.
  • Increase the amount of fiber in the food.
  • Eat more and more fruits and vegetables.
  • Quit bad eating habits such as eating sweet after meals, drinking juice or taking a cold drink.
  • Take multivitamins.
  • Drink black coffee
  • Eat food slowly and chew it well.
  • Reduce sugar intake.
  • Eat healthy food.

Also read: Workout at Home - No Gym, No Equipment

2. Change your daily routine to lose weight:

  • Exercise regularly regularly.
  • Include yoga in your daily routine.
  • Do meditation to reduce stress.
  • Eat in a small plate to lose weight.
  • Check the weight regularly and use a diary or app to keep the record.
  • Get enough sleep to lose weight.
  • Most important is a positive change in lifestyle.

3. Change the habits to lose weight:

  • Avoid overeating. Do not eat a lot of food at one time.
  • Avoid eating sweets like sugar, sweets, cakes, pastries.
  • Eating more sweet fruits increases the chances of gaining weight, so avoid eating more sweet fruits like mango, chiku, banana, grapes, litchi etc.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption. 1 ml of alcohol contains 7 calories, which increases extra calories and increases weight.
  • Avoid eating junk food and processed food like burgers, pizza, pasta, maggi, fried food etc.
  • Stop smoking as soon as possible.
  • Do not sit for long time. Try to do some exercise in the middle of the chair by getting up in the middle of work.
  • Keep away from gadgets like tablet laptops mobile while eating.

Also read: Best Exercises to Help You Lose Weight

Tips for Fat Loss or Burn Fat fast:

Today, we will tell you some easy ways that you can get rid of obesity to a great extent. But you have to take care that if you want to reduce obesity, then you have to follow it regularly.

  • Make a goal how much fat you have to reduce in how much time.
  • According to research, less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep produces hunger, which makes you eat more than necessary and increases obesity.
  • If you have a habit of eating snacks, do not eat it on a minute-by-minute basis. Repeated eating increases the calories in the body, which increases obesity.
  • Walk a lot. Many people eat again and again in the day and they do not even know how much they ate, so remember how much you ate during the day.
  • Many people do not use feet due to having a car and a bike. Use stairs to reduce fat. Also play your favorite sports.
  • 65% people drink a lot of sugar drinks or cold drinks, etc., which does not fill the stomach, but the calories are given separately. That's why remove liquid calories.
  • Plan a cheat day. it means, to sustain a successful diet plan, you can eat pizza or junk food once a week. By doing this, you will remain satisfied and follow your diet well.
  • If you are male or female, lift heavy weight, you will burn fat by lifting heavy weight. This creates muscles and increases the metabolism of the body. When you lift heavy weights you start burning calories very fast.
  • Diversify your workouts. Do a variety of exercises in a day, such as a 5 minute cardio treadmill, dumbbell circuit, stretching and bent over crying after biking. Do these exercises 8-10 times in a rip.
  • Use simple things. If you don't have money for the gym, jump rope at home. First jump 50 times and later increase it to 100.
  • Eat plenty of protein. Eating protein makes muscles and burns fat. Apart from this, the stomach is also full.
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day. This will not make you hungry and will also keep your stomach full. You should drink 1 glass of water even before having food, you will avoid obesity.

Also read: Big Reasons of Growing Belly Fat

For Consultation: 

Dr. Gola
12 Years Experience 
Contact No.-8791418545

To Buy Best Brand Fitness Equipments:

If you are looking for fitness equipment for your workout and you are little confused about fitness brand, we are sharing some top best brands in India according to internet survey. For more details, check out the links with brand name given below :👇


Thursday, November 12, 2020

November 12, 2020

Winter Skin Care for Dry Skin

 Skin Care with Ayurveda  

By adopting such home remedies, you can make your skin glowing and soft

Winter brings a pleasant feel of the season, but the cold air in the winter brings dry skin which causes dry skin. This is a common problem in winter. In addition, insufficient moisture in the body, harmful ultraviolet (UV) sun rays, warm water bath, etc., dry the skin and cause skin irritation and itching.

Often cold and strong wind makes the skin of the face and hands dry in winter, which is very strange to see. In such a situation, if the things present in the house are used, then the dryness of the skin can be got rid of in a few days, so today we are giving you tips to make the skin soft and beautiful like flowers even in the cold winds.

Usually, people use a variety of expensive moisturizers and creams to cure their dry skin, but their effects disappear after a short period of time. In such a situation, if you want to keep your skin soft and glowing for a long time, then homemade tips will prove to be very effective for that. Let's know the home remedies to eliminate dryness of face and hands in winter:

Dry skin Causes

1. Skin is most dry due to cold and strong wind. Due to not taking timely measures, many times the skin is torn, which also causes unbearable pain. 

2. In winter, due to strong hot water and excessive exposure to the heater, the oil present in the skin gradually reduces, which makes the skin look dry and lifeless. Moisture takes over.

3. Dryness due to excessive soap, detergent or side effects of any medicine. This type of dryness brings itching and rash.

The heat of the heater for a long time during cold days also makes the skin dry and lifeless, as it reduces the moisture in the air, which makes the skin dry.

If you bathe regularly with warm water, your skin may still be dry. Warm water reduces the moisture of the skin and after losing moisture, the skin becomes dry and lifeless.

Tips for dry skin

Now we are going to tell you some home remedies from which you will be able to get relief from dry skin problem in winter.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera acts as an amazing moisturizer for skin dryness. Aloe vera can make your skin soft and vibrant during winters and aloe vera also improves your skin tone. Hence it is most commonly used in beauty products. It is beneficial to use aloe vera on the skin in all seasons. Also it suits all skin types. The effect of aloe vera is cold, so while using it, definitely go under the light of the sun. Aloe vera makes your skin soft and protects from UV rays.

How to use aloe vera on skin:

  • Remove the gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it on your entire body.
  • Massage the gel for a few minutes to get it into the skin.
  • Keep it for 30 minutes, then wash it using lukewarm water.
  • It should be used once or twice a day.

2. Honey

Honey is considered a natural moisturizer replete with antioxidant antimicrobial properties. Apart from this, honey contains many essential vitamins and minerals that help in keeping your skin soft and the skin's tissues fine. Honey also plays an important role in making dry skin shiny and soft. Because honey is also a natural moisturizer. It is also helps in cleansing the skin of dirt and improving the complexion.

How to use:

  • Before taking bath, gently rub some raw honey all over your body and massage then take bath after 10 minutes.
  • Mix equal amounts of honey and glycerin, apply it on your hands and wash it with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.
  • Mix honey with cinnamon powder and apply it to the dry skin of face and hands and after 10-15 minutes of drying, wash it with clean lukewarm water. Do this remedy 3-4 times a week.

3. Multani Mitti

Multani clay has been used since ancient times to enhance skin color, but it cleanses and moisturizes the skin internally.

How to use:

  • For this, you have to grind multani mitti into powder and then mix it with milk or rose water and apply it on the face and hands, then after 15-20 minutes, clean it with clean and cold water.

4. Glycerin

Glycerin is very beneficial in making dry skin soft and beautiful. By applying glycerin, you can refresh and freshen your skin for a long time.

How to use:

  • Never apply glycerin directly, as it is very hot. Always use it mixed with rose water in 1:4 ratio. For example, take 5 drops of glycerin and 20 drops of rose water. Mix well and then use it directly on your skin. It will more beneficial to skin by using as night routine before going to bed. You can also store it in a airtight bottle for a long time. 

5. Milk Cream

The cream contains high fat and lactic acid, which acts as a natural moisturizer for dry skin. It also helps in maintaining proper pH balance of your skin. 

How to use:

  • For daily use: Rub some fresh cream on your dry skin. Keep it for 10 minutes and then wash it well with lukewarm water.
  • For weekly use: Prepare a mixture with two to three teaspoons of cream and two tablespoons of gram flour. Apply this paste on your dry skin and keep it for 15 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the popular and effective treatments for dry skin during the winter months. It contains fatty acids, proteins and vitamins which helps in maintaining moisture in your skin. Apart from this, its antioxidant properties are good for the overall health of your skin.

How to use:

  •  Heat the coconut oil for a few seconds and apply it on your skin before this name and massage gently so that the oil enters the skin. Take a bath after 10 minutes. Do this usage once a day.

 If you are suffering from very dry skin, then after taking bath you can use coconut oil on your skin.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil is another effective remedy for the skin. Olive oil contains antioxidants such as Vitamin E which help in removing dry skin, it also acts as a great natural moisturizer.

How to use:

  • For daily use: Gently massage on your hands, feet and dry skin and other areas using some lukewarm olive oil. Then wash off after 30 minutes.
  • For weekly use: Make a paste by mixing olive oil with a spoonful of brown sugar. Wet your skin and scrub the skin with this mixture with a light hand. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water.

In today's world people generally do not like to apply oil on hands and feet, while the effect of cream and moisturizer is reduced after some time. In this case, applying oil on the skin is most beneficial. Coconut oil and Olive oil is a natural moisturizer with no stickiness and it retains moisture in your skin for a long time. This is why young children are advised to massage coconut oil.

To Buy: If you want to buy raw, cold pressed virgin and organic oil (Coconut, Olive) for your hair and skin, you can check out these products.👇 

ORGANIC INDIA Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil

KAMA Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Figaro Olive Oil Best For Skin Massage & Hair Care 

Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Abhyanga (Massage) Oil