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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

October 28, 2020

Psoriasis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention & Treatment

World Psoriasis Day: If you are also troubled by psoriasis, know it's symptoms! 

[A complete guide of psoriasis]

World Psoriasis Day is observed on 29 October worldwide. This time the global theme has given a lot of emphasis on its symptoms. Let us tell you that around 1250 million people are affected by this serious disease, 3% of the population worldwide. You will be surprised to know that it cannot be eradicated from the root. Know everything about the symptoms of psoriasis as well as the disease.

Today, skin disease is a common problem, one of these skin diseases is psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin disorder in which skin rash is not an infectious disease. It is a recurrent disease that can get worse and worse over time. Psoriasis has been characterized by an autoimmune reaction. Disturbance of the immune system of the body is considered to be the reason. Our skin takes about 28 days to replace cells and to form new cells, but the skin of people suffering from psoriasis produces new cells in just 4 to 5 days. This causes the cells to freeze, this causes red, dry and itchy patches on the skin.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a recurring disease that affects your skin. It is very itchy on the skin and sometimes the skin can become inflamed if the condition gets worse. Sometimes you can also feel pain. As a result of this, you may also have to face small flaky spots on the skin, dry, torn skin from which blood can come out. Many times blisters start forming on your skin. The need for constant itching can be very annoying. Psoriasis also affects the joints and can also cause inflammation in the joints. Arthritis is a car in which there is swelling and pain in the joints.This disorder may have some mental effects.

Causes of Psoriasis

Some of the main reasons may be:

  1. Genetic Causes: Genetics is considered the most popular cause for psoriasis. It is believed that if a parent has psoriasis, then the child is likely to develop this disease up to 15%. If both parents have this disease, then the children can get this disease up to 60%.
  2.  Immunity System: The immune system experiences an abnormal reaction in which it begins to attack healthy skin cells. Our immune system is usually responsible for attacking viruses and bacteria, but due to many reasons, the body's immune system starts damaging its own body parts and causes many diseases. This produces new skin cells that are ready to form this scale patch.
  3.  Bacterial Infection: Sometimes viral or bacterial infection can also be a reason for psoriasis. Sometimes, psoriasis can occur at the place of injury or around it due to injury to the skin. Activation of genes in some environmental conditions may also be a reason behind psoriasis.
  4.  Stress and Food: In Ayurveda, it is believed that eating too much uneven food together (curd and fish) can cause dosha imbalance. Therefore, excessive consumption of garlic, oil-rich food, seafood or spicy food, junk food can also cause psoriasis. Stress and mental disorders can also play a major role in psoriasis.

Prevention of Psoriasis

You can reduce this skin disorder with some effective measures:

  1. Food to Eat: In this problem, you should use green leafy vegetables, legumes, pulses, fruits etc. These foods have anti-inflammatory properties and some foods are rich in fiber which help in getting the body out of dirt. You should avoid eating too much salty food. Do not consume rust food at all and eat easily digestible food. Very sour food is not suitable for you. Do not drink alcohol and smoke at all.
  2. Skin Care: Protect your skin especially. When there is a cut in the open part of your skin, it becomes a way for bacteria and virus to enter. Do not let your skin dry. To keep it healthy, do a moisturizer so that the skin remains moist all the time.
  3. Stress Management: Psoriasis is not caused by stress, but there is a risk of developing psoriasis disease when there is stress in psoriasis. For this you can also do yoga and exercise which will improve blood circulation in your body. It also helps in keeping the skin healthy.

Diagnosis of Psoriasis

Two tests are necessary to diagnose psoriasis:

  1. Physical examination: Most doctors diagnose psoriasis with a simple test. During this test, show your doctor the skin with psoriasis and also tell if any family member has got psoriasis.
  2. Biopsy: If the symptoms are not clear or doctors want to confirm their suspected diagnosis then they take a small sample of skin. This is known as a biopsy. The skin is sent to a laboratory where it is examined under a microscope. The test can diagnose your type of psoriasis. It also diagnoses other possible disorders or infections. Most biopsies are done at your doctor's office on the day of your appointment.

Psoriasis Treatment

There is no cure for psoriasis. The aim of treatment is to reduce inflammation, slow the growth of skin cells. There are three categories of psoriasis treatment:

  1. Topical treatment: Cream and ointment are applied directly to the skin to reduce mild to moderate psoriasis.
  2. Systemic medicines: People with severe psoriasis through the medium and those who have not been affected by other lazos are required to use oral or injected medicines.
  3. Light therapy: It uses ultraviolet natural light to treat psoriasis. Both UVA and UVB can be useful in reducing mild to moderate psoriasis symptoms. Most people with moderate to severe psoriasis benefit from a combination of treatments. More than one type of treatment may be used to reduce symptoms in this type of treatment. Some people use the same treatment throughout their life. If the effect of treatment used on their skin ends, then sometimes they need to change the treatment.

 Help Center 

If you are seeking medical help and willing to take a homeopathic treatment at home/clinic, you can consult with Dr. or Skin Specialist. 

Dr. Gola
12 Years Experience 
Contact No. - 8791418545

Buy Online Best Moisturizer for Psoriasis

Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Moisture Wrap Daily Repair Body Lotion
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Check Price on Flipkart
Check Price on Amazon

Aveeno Anti-Itch Concentrated Lotion

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Eucerin Skin Calming Itch Relief Treatment Lotion
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Check Price on Flipkart

Ayushvedham Psoraze Ayurvedic Ointment for Psoriasis

Generic Cerave Psoriasis Moisturizing Cream
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Check Price on Flipkart
Check Price on Amazon

Note: All products are dermatologist tested and recommended by National Psoriasis Foundation. Still I would like to suggest, please take it under the prescription/guideline or at your own risk. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

October 26, 2020

Hair Fall or Baldness

Hair fall: How to stop hair fall immediately? 

 Falling hair is not just a problem of the weather, but also indicates disease!

We are often troubled by the problem of hair loss due to the changing weather, increasing pollution and side effects of hair products, but sometimes our wrong eating and wrong habits also cause a lot of problems. In such a situation, if we can improve our habits in time, then within a few days we can easily get rid of problems related to hair as well as health.

If there are 70 to 100 hairs of a person everyday, then it is not a situation of panic. This is a normal process and so many hair falls every day. But if the hair is falling in large numbers and constantly, then you need the advice of experts.


There is no need to worry about 70 to 100 hair loss every day. But if you are losing much more than this, then not only do you need good hair care products but you should also do a checkup on the advice of a doctor. Because many times, fast falling hair is a sign of diseases growing in our body ...

Body swelling

The problem of swelling in the body at all times is known as Lupus in the medical world. Lupus is an autoimmune disease. In this, swelling remains in the body for a long time. Due to this inflammation, facial skin and hair roots are mainly affected. This is the reason why not only head hair but also eyebrows and eyelid hair start falling. At the same time, the hair of the beard and mustache also falls rapidly in men suffering from this disease.


Depression also causes rapid hair loss. Depression is a serious level of anxiety. A person is surrounded by anxiety and stress for a long time before he gets caught in depression. Due to this, there is a deficiency of Happy Hormones in his body. Digestive problems start occurring. When digestion is not done properly, the body does not get complete nutrition. It first affects hair and skin.

Blood pressure problem

People who have high blood pressure for a long time also have problems of falling hair rapidly. Whether women or male BP can cause hair fall in all. This is because in this case there is a high pressure of blood flow on the blood arteries. During this time there is a high amount of sodium in the blood, which cannot flow properly in the body. This condition causes hair and heart damage. This is the reason why hair loss is very common in BP patients.

Hair falls due to thyroid

Severe and prolonged thyroid problems may also be the reason for hair falling rapidly. While the right treatment of thyroid disorder is taken at the right time, hair loss can be prevented. It is also helpful in growing new hair. Keeping the doctor's advice in mind, taking medicines and healthy diets at the right time reduces hair loss.

Cancer is also the reason

Hair loss is a very common problem in cancer patients. Many times, fast falling hair is also an indication that the chances of developing a serious disease like cancer are increasing in the body. For example, some cancers such as Hodgkin lymphoma can cause hair loss. But rapid hair loss is mainly due to chemotherapy.

Eating disorder

Often young girls and boys succumb to an eating disorder such as anorexia and bulimia. This is due to their dieting in the desire of skinny body or using supplements. The majority of these youth are girls and women. Eating disorders are becoming a major cause of hair loss along with other health problems. Because of this, the necessary nutrients are not able to reach the cells of our body and hair starts falling fast.

Tips to get rid of falling hair:

1. Avoid tying tight hair

If you like to tie your hair tight, then change this habit quickly, because tightly tying hair is also a main reason for hair breakage and loss. This causes excessive strain on the hair. Due to which they start breaking and falling quickly.

2. Lack of iron and nutrients in the body

In today's era, people often prefer to eat junk food and fast food from outside the home. Due to which the body starts gradually lacking nutritious elements and its effect is seen in the form of our falling hair with health. In such a situation, if you want to avoid hair loss, then for that you should adopt a diet that contains nutritious elements.

3. combing wet hair or use hair dryer

If you also like to comb your wet hair or use hair dryer often, then change your habit, because hair follicles are weakened by doing this continuously. Due to which hair fall starts.

4. Washing hair with hot water

Often people like it, which is also very beneficial for health, but strong hot water causes great damage to hair. This causes the hair to become dry, and gradually fall.

 5. Tension

Stress has become another name in our life today. The effect of stress also damages our health as well as hair. Due to which hair fall starts. If you want to avoid falling hair, then adopt meditation, yoga and happy habits to reduce your stress.

Help Center:

If you are seeking medical help and willing to take a homeopathic treatment at home/clinic, you can consult with Dr. or Hair Care Specialist. 

Dr. Gola
12 Years Experience
Contact No.-8791418545

Best Hair Regrowth Supplements:

If you want to buy any supplement for hair regrowth or to stop hair loss problem, you can check out these some products:  

HealthKart Biotin (10000 mcg)

Himalayan Organics Biotin 10000mcg

Himalayan Organics Plant based Hair Vitamin (With DHT Blocker & Omega 3)


I would like to suggest to take vitamins and minerals in their natural form such as nuts, fruits etc. If you are willing to take any supplement, please take it under the guidance or at your own risk.  

Sunday, October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020

Anxiety Disorder

 Anxiety: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Risk factors, Prevention and more...

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental illnesses. The problems that arise due to them can prevent you from spending your life normally. People who suffer from envy are constantly anxious and afraid, He may be disabled but with the right treatment many people can restrict those feelings and live their life normally.

Anxiety disorder is not an autoimmune or uncontrolled illness. Which may be due to family reasons or contact with someone. It is caused by a certain behavior.

Here, we will explain about the following:

  • Type of Anxiety 
  • Anxiety Symptom
  • Anxiety Causes & Risk Factors
  • Prevention of Anxiety
  • Diagnosis of Anxiety
  • Anxiety Treatment
  • Anxiety Complications
  • What to avoid during Anxiety 
  • What to eat during Anxiety

Type of Anxiety:

Some types of anxiety disorder are-

Generalized anxiety disorder(GAD):

In GAD, the person suffering from diseases is highly anxious without any apparent reason. When extreme concerns about certain things remain for 6 months or longer then GAD is diagnosed. 

Social anxiety disorder:

When a person is afraid to face social situations or has severe social fear of being humiliated by others then it is called social anxiety disorder. In this, the patient may feel ashamed of alone.

Post- traumatic anxiety disorder:

It develops when you experience something painful. Its symptoms may appear immediately or begin to appear after some time. The reasons for this include war, natural disasters or physical attacks.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD):

It is also a type of Anxiety. People with OCD are overwhelmed by the desire to do a particular type of work again and again like washing hands, cleaning, calculating etc.


It is also a type of anxiety. For example, being afraid of heights, fearing the darkness, etc. Even in this situation, there is a strong desire to avoid the obsessed thing.

Panic disorder:

This disorder causes panic attacks that cause intense anxiety and fear. Its physical symptoms include irregular heartbeat, nervous chest pain and shortness of breath. It can happen at any time, people suffering from any type of angina may have panic attacks.

Anxiety Symptom:

Some common symptoms of anxiety disorders are-

  1. Nervousness, fear and restlessness
  2. Sleep problems
  3. Disability to remain calm and steady
  4. breathing problem
  5. Nausea and Dizziness
  6. Rapid breathing this hyperventilation
  7. Excessive sweating
  8. Weakness and lethargy
  9. Difficulty in focusing or thinking clearly on anything other than what you are worried about
  10. Five other gastrointestinal problems
  11. Twisted muscles

Anxiety Causes & Risk Factors

Anxiety causes-

What exactly causes Anxiety. Like other forms of mental disorders, it is also caused by a combination of some things, including changes in your brain and environment, stress and heredity. The problem is that people who are more anxious are more at risk than those who are less anxious. The problem is that people who are more worried are more at risk than those who are less worried. Too much anxious behavior can cause anxiety disorder in our lives.

Risk factors of anxiety-

The following factors may increase the risk of having an anxiety disorder:

1. Strokes: Children who have suffered trauma or any traumatic events are at a higher risk of having an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. Similarly, upon experiencing any painful event in the elders, anxiety disorders can develop.

2. Stress due to illness: The condition of the disease or serious illness may worry you about your treatment and future issues.

3. Building tension: Small or big stressful living conditions can cause too much anxiety disorder. For example a death in the family, work stress and worry about a problem.

4. Personality: People with certain personality types suffer from anxiety disorders more than others.

5. Other mental health disorder: People with other mental health disorders, such as depression, cause anxiety disorders.

6. Drugs and alcohol: Use or misuse of drugs or alcohol can cause anxiety disorder or worsen its symptoms.

Prevention of Anxiety:

Following measures can be taken to avoid anxiety disorders-

Stress Management:

If you are worried then reducing stress is important in your life. Find ways to relax. Exercise is a good way to relieve stress. If you are fond of something special, then take time for it. Do things that make you feel better.

Eat well:

If you eat healthy diet, it will make you feel better for physically and mentally. Try to include fruits, vegetables and whole grains whenever possible. Do not consume greasy, sweet, high fat, processed foods.

Avoid unhealthy substances:

Tobacco, drugs and alcohol are often considered stress-causing substances. But using them actually damages the body, making it difficult to cope with stress and anxiety. Caffeine can also cause or aggravate anxiety disorder. Generally, the things that make you healthy also help you overcome stress anxiety.

Diagnosis of Anxiety: 

If you have symptoms of anxiety disorder, your doctor will examine you and ask for your medical history. They may do some tests related to your mental development, although there is no specific test to diagnose anxiety disorder.

  1. If your doctor is not receiving any medical attention, he may recommend you to go to a psychiatrist, psychologist or any other mental health specialist. This doctor will ask you questions and try to find out if you have an anxiety disorder by using tools and tests.
  2. Your doctor will consider the duration and intensity of your symptoms when diagnosing you. He will also see if you are having trouble completing your normal activities because of its symptoms.

Anxiety Treatment:

Anxiety disorder is treated with medication, psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. Often the best course of treatment is a combination of one or two procedures. Anxiety disorder treatment should be done in the long term. In most cases, the treatment is successful.


Many antidepressant medications can be used to treat anxiety disorders.


It is a type of counseling that addresses affective response to mental illness. A mental health expert helps you to understand and deal with your anxiety disorder through a conversation.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

This is a type of psychotherapy in which you are taught to identify changes in your thinking patterns and behavior that cause anxiety. 

Anxiety Complications:

You may have the following complications from having an anxiety disorder-

  1. Depression (which often accompanies anxiety disorder) or other mental health disorders
  2. Drug cravings
  3. Trouble sleeping or insomnia
  4. Digestive or intestinal problems
  5. Headache and long-lasting pain.
  6. Social isolation
  7. Poor quality of life
  8. Thoughts of suicide

What to avoid during Anxiety?

Do not consume the following foods in anxiety disorder-


Coffee increases the level of cortisol in your body which can make you feel anxious, so avoid coffee consumption if you have an anxiety disorder.


You may feel like drinking alcohol in anxiety disorder, but by doing so, you can worsen the symptoms.


Just like alcohol, you may feel like eating sweets in anxiety disorder, but by doing so, your symptoms may get worse.

What to eat during Anxiety:

Consumption of the following foods may be beneficial in anxiety disorder.

  1. Foods containing omega 3 fatty acids
  2. Probiotic foods
  3. Antioxidant rich foods
  4. plenty of water
  5. Magnesium foods
  6. Vitamin B rich foods


Friday, October 23, 2020

October 23, 2020

Navratri Healthy Food: Sago Appe

Recommended by Dt. Poonam Agrawal 

Navratri Healthy Food with Low Fat Diet

 Sago Appe

Navratri is one of the major festivals in which many people keep a fast, but in the fast, everyone would like to eat something good. And when thinking about South Indian food, water comes in the mouth as soon as you think. Appe is one such dish in South Indian food. Appe is a popular South Indian cuisine. Which becomes instant. These are healthy and healthy in food. It is easy to make. You can also give it in tiffin of children. It takes minimum oil to make it. But today we will tell you how to make sago appa, so today we make sago appa which is also known as sago appe or paniyaram.

Ingredients for Sago appe:

Sago - 1 cup
Potato - 1/2 cup ( boiled/massed )
Black-paper - 1/2 tsp or according to taste
Rock salt - 1 tsp or according to taste
Ghee or oil - 1 tsp
Ginger - 1/4 tsp

Ingredients for Mint chutney:

Mint - 15-20 leaves
Coriander - 20 gram ( 2 tsp chopped )
Rock salt - 1 tsp or according to taste
Green chilli - 4-5 
Cumin - 1/2 tsp
Tamarind/lemon juice - 1 tsp
Water - according to requirement

For serving:

Tea - According to requirement 
Butter milk/Curd - According to requirement
Pudina chutney -  1 bowl


We have divided the Sago appe recipe into 3 parts:-
  1. How to prepare sago to cook sago-appe?
  2. How to cook sago appe?
  3. How to prepare pudina chutney to serve sago appe?

1.How to prepare sago to cook sago-appe:

To make sago appa, first soak the sago. To soak sago, first wash the sago in water two to three times. Then take water equal to the amount of sago you have taken. Keep in mind that the pot of sago and water should be the same, there will be no high and low quantity in it. Now soak the sago for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes check the sago. To check, try pressing the sago with your hands. If there is any lump in the sago, then let it remain for some time. If the sago is completely soft and there is no lump, then remove it on a clean cotton cloth. The extra water of sago is also removed by removing it on clothes and sago will be scattered. Now sago is ready.

2. How to cook sago appe:

Now add boiled and mashed potatoes in the sago, then add black pepper, rock salt to it and knead like flour. Now make small tikki by making the roll of dough. Take appe stand and grease it with ghee or oil. Appe will not stick when stand is greased. Now we will put the dough tikki one by one in appe stand and leave it to cook on medium flame for 5 to 7 minutes. In between, turn it and bake it from both side. When it turns golden brown, take it off the flame. Now sago appe is ready to eat.

3. How to prepare pudina chutney to serve sago appe:

First of all, wash the coriander and mint leaves and clean them. Cut the coriander and mint leaves, put the chopped leaves in the mixing blade, add green chili, rock salt, cumin, ginger and grind them. Remove the paste into a pot. Now mix the lemon juice or tamarind water and garnish with mint or coriander leaves and lemon slice. Now mint chutney is completely ready to eat with sago appe.

Try to make it once at your home. If you like our dish, then share with your family and friends. Also give your feedback or comment  in comment section box. 

If you want to buy online Appam stand at best price and good brand, you can check out these links:👇

Monday, October 19, 2020

October 19, 2020

Weight Management

 Body Weight Management

Being too fat or thin is not good for health. By properly managing the weight, you can make your body healthy and shapely. To manage weight, special attention has to be given to food and exercise. What is weight management, why is it important to lose weight, health benefits of weight loss, how to lose weight, weight loss tips, side effects, guideline and read a lot related to weight management in this article.

What is weight management?

There are some changes in a person's body as they age. The metabolic rate of the body decreases and the weight of a person keeps on decreasing over time. Many people around the world gain some weight due to a combination of factors like aging, more hunger and a less active lifestyle. The weight of the body is determined by the amount of energy that we take as food and the amount of energy we spend per day through our activities. A person is able to control the amount of calories (energy) that he takes in the day by regulating the amount of food intake. He can also control the amount of energy spent by engaging in physical activities. However, the energy expended is also dependent on another factor known as BMR or basal metabolic rate. A person whose basal metabolic index is between 18-25 is considered a normal weight. Dieticians and other doctors have recommended tips on how to lose weight and prevent it from coming back. These suggestions build more lean muscle, consume more foods in hunger, count calories, calorie intake, avoid temptation, plan meals in advance, measure what a person eats, and exercise more. hich includes dairy in your diet using the 'plate' method, regular active lifestyle and eating regular breakfast. A person who is underweight should eat five to six times a day instead of consuming food 2-3 times. He should also do some training to build muscle and increase weight. In the same way, there are many more.

How is weight management treated?

A person may usually be able to manage their weight by incorporating some lifestyle changes. However, obese people can develop various health-related problems, and drugs such as orlistat are recommended for such people. The right diet is very important for treating the disease in today's era. is. Because proper food and drink can keep a person healthy and with proper food, proper exercise is equally important. Because there are many benefits of exercise, it keeps energy in the body. And man feels very healthy. Medications are recommended for people with a BMI of more than 30 or BMI (usually over 27 years) and for people suffering from conditions such as hypertension, high blood cholesterol and diabetes. BMI or body mass index is a simple, inexpensive and non-invasive procedure to measure body fat in relation to a person's weight and height. Simply put, BMI serves as a screening tool to determine what makes a person overweight, underweight, obese, or healthy weight.

A person is grossly obese if they have a BMI greater than 40. Such people and people with BMI over 35 years and suffering from diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, sleep apnea or diabetes mellitus are often recommended bariatric surgery to lose weight.

To manage weight, the desire must always come from the person. Who is not serious about losing weight, fails in weight management. It is also important, your breakfast must be healthier. People who make breakfast are more likely to manage their weight. Low fat dairy helps a person to lose weight. One of the most important methods of weight loss is daily work. A person should also avoid temptation. Planning ahead also prevents a person from overeating and thus, helps to manage weight.

Who is eligible for the treatment of weight management? (When is treatment done?)

Individuals whose basal metabolic index is greater than 25 or those with a basal metabolic index less than 18 are overweight and underweight, respectively. Such people are eligible for weight management. Individuals whose BMI is more than 30 or more than 27 years old and a person suffering from diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are eligible for the treatment of medicines. A person with BMI over 35 is eligible for weight loss surgery.

Who is not eligible for treatment?

A person who has a BMI between 18-25 is considered an ideal weight, such a person is not eligible for treatment. A person suffering from some serious condition is not eligible for weight loss surgery, even if he is largely obese. This is because in those cases surgery can have disastrous results for the person.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects of orlistat (A drug designed to treat obesity) medication used to lose weight, drowsiness, confusion, mood changes, severe pain in upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dark urine, jaundice, clay colored feces And itching occurs. The side effects associated with bariatric surgery are prolonged. Some of them are low blood sugar, malnutrition, vomiting, ulcers, bowel obstruction and hernia. Another side effect associated with bariatric surgery is dumping syndrome which is a condition in which nausea and dizziness may occur. Otherwise weight management involves some lifestyle changes that have no side effects.

What are the guidelines after treatment?

There are no such post-treatment guidelines for weight management. A person has to follow certain guidelines and adopt healthy lifestyle throughout his life to manage weight. It is importance for an overweight person to check their eating habits and exercise regularly. A low weight person should also include calorie rich foods in their diet and should also do training exercises to gain weight.

How long does it take to recover?

Losing weight depends on many factors with the patient's body, age, constituency of medical history and how much weight the person has. A person can lose weight by eating less because body fat is burnt due to difference in calorie intake. A loss of 500- 1000 calories per day can make a person lose weight by 1-2 pounds in a week. Therefore, the entire treatment depends on how much weight a person has to lose.

What is the cost of treatment in India?

It may cost around 500 to 2000 rupees each time to consult a doctor who prepares a proper counseling program. The price of 10 capsules of Orlistat can be around 380 rupees in India. Different types of bariatric surgery can be done which help the obese person to lose weight. However, the cost of treatment is between Rs 396000 and Rs 516000 in our country.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

Weight management is a continuous process and one has to follow a strict routine to ensure that excess weight cannot be regained or lost weight. Lifestyle changes including dietary changes help a person maintain normal weight. However, this is not a permanent result because if a person deviates from the weight management program then a person may again be underweight or overweight.

What are the home based treatment options?

1 to 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water, it is best to drink 3 times a day helps in losing weight. Consuming a little protein in each meal helps a person to lose weight. Another important way to lose weight is to get enough sleep every night. Otherwise, lack of sleep can worsen the overall mental and physical condition and make it difficult for a person to lose weight.

If you want to buy apple cider vinegar, you can check out the links:

WOW Life Science Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - With Strand Of Mother - Not From Concentrate 

WOW Life Science Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - With Strand Of Mother

Wow Life Science Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (400 Ml)

WOW Life Science Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - with strand of mother - not from concentrate Vinegar (750 ml)

HealthViva Apple Cider Vinegar 100% Natural, 0.5 L Unflavoured

HealthViva Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother Vinegar

HealthViva Apple Cider Vinegar(With Mother Vinegar) Vinegar (500 ml)

HealthViva Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother, 500 ml

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

October 13, 2020

Weight Loss Calorie Diet Plan

Recommended by Dt. Poonam Agrawal

Weight Loss Calorie Diet Plan: Tips and Diet Plan

If you want to lose weight, find your calorie based diet plan

In today's article, we will tell you not only about the diet plan for weight loss but also what should be done for weight loss. Body weight gain or obesity is one of many serious problems. This problem not only gives rise to many diseases but also makes a person sluggish and lazy. This is the reason why people want to keep their weight under control and learn about weight loss diet plan.

We have prepared this article on the Weight Loss Diet Chart to remove all these complications and to keep your taste in mind.

Simple Ways to Lose Weight

  • Do not forget to eat breakfast if you want to lose weight
  • Avoid eating after 8pm 
  • Count Caloric Intake to Lose Weight
  • Drink Plenty Of Water 
  • Do not eat at frequent intervals
  • Eat less fried food
  • Eat healthy snacks for weight loss
  • Drinking herbal tea before meals does not increase weight
  • Have Proper Sleep for Weight Loss

To understand all the details of Diet Chart, we will try to focus on the following points.👇

  1. How many times a day should you eat?
  2. What to eat and how much to eat in breakfast?
  3. What to eat and what amount of lunch in weight loss diet?
  4. What to eat and how many calories in weight loss diet for dinner?
  5. Some important questions about weight loss diet

1. How many times a day should you eat to lose weight?

In a way to lose weight, you should complete your weight loss diet in 3 times a day (1500 calories for women and 1800 calories for men). You can take it as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Many dieticians suggest to take the diet in 4 to 5 times but it is a bit difficult to follow and Workout has to do more. Another problem is that if your metabolism rate is low, then the digestive system is stressed too much and digestion is not done properly.

2. What should breakfast and how much should you eat in weight loss diet?

The most important part of the weight loss diet plan is that what kind of diet should be started with the beginning of the day. The rule of weight loss diet plan is that breakfast in the morning should be more than the diet of the day. Because the calories in the morning breakfast are the quickest and complete burn. Because most time and more physical activity is available for breakfast digestion.

Now the question comes to mind that what should in our Indian breakfast? And which breakfast has how many calories? We can understand these things from Calorie Diet chart.

According to the weight loss diet plan, women should take 500 to 550 calories in the morning breakfast and 600 to 650 calories for men between 7 and 9 am.

According to the diet chart for weight loss for male/female, you can change the breakfast menu in your weight loss diet plan every day to keep weight stable by keeping calories stable.

3. What to eat and what amount of lunch in a weight loss diet? 

Lunch for weight loss is another important step in the diet. What and how many calories in Indian lunch? We can understand all these things from this Indian diet chart for weight loss. 

In lunch, women should take 350 to 400 calories and men should eat 400 to 450 calories between 12 and 1 o'clock in the day.

According to the following Indian diet chart for weight loss, you can use the lunch menu in your weight loss diet plan every day to keep the calories stable and lose weight.

 Diet Plan for weight loss

4. What and how many calories to eat in dinner for weight loss?

The dinner is the third and most important stop of the weight lose diet. Which we often ignore, then you have to avoid making this mistake. In the Indian diet chart for weight loss for female & male, women should take 350 to 380 calories and men 380 to 400 calories between 7 to 9 pm. Dinner, the sooner you take it at night, the more time it will be able to digest food. Which is auspicious sign of weight loss.

According to the diet chart of weight loss, you can succeed in weight loss by keeping the calories constant by changing the calories of the dinner every day in your weight loss diet plan.

In this way, you will follow the above diet chart for weight loss, then you will be able to lose 3 to 5 kg of rest in one month.

5. Some important questions about weight loss diet (FAQS for Diet Plan to Lose Weight)

1. How much weight can you lose with weight loss diet?

Ans. With weight loss diet plan, you can reduce up to 30% of your body weight at ease. For example, if you weigh 100 kg, you can lose up to 30 kg.

2. Can everyone take a weight loss diet and have the same effect?

Ans. Absolutely yes All healthy people can take weight loss diet. But the effect of weight loss diet is not the same in all people. Because everyone has a different BMI and BMR. Which we discussed in detail in this article.

3. Will Weight Gain Again After Leaving Weight Loss Diet?

Ans. If you leave the weight loss diet immediately after following some time, then there is a 60% chance of gaining weight again. But if you adjust the diet slowly and do continuous yoga or physical exercise, the weight does not increase again.

Hope you got detailed information about weight loss diet. And you will definitely follow this weight loss diet plan to reduce the weight.

Note: We have discussed about weight loss tips and diet plan in the previous article "Calorie Calculator for Weight Loss".

To read the next article and get full info about it, click the link below:👇


If you want to buy Calorie Counter, you can check out the link given below:

October 13, 2020

Calorie Calculator for Weight Loss

 Recommended by Dt. Poonam Agrawal

Calorie calculator for weight loss diet: Forms, factors & calorie/day

As soon as the name of Indian food comes in our mind, the  delicious food pictures and mouth watering start coming. And why not, because in our country India, the most delicious food dishes are eaten all over the world. But at the same time there is always a concern in the mind about excess fat and obesity, what to eat and what not? How much and when to eat?

We have prepared this article on Calorie count for Weight Loss to remove all these complications and to keep your taste in mind.

What we eat gives us energy to work and we get these calories in the form of calories. So first of all, it has to be understood how calories in weight loss diet gives energy to the body? And how many calories should be in the weight loss diet in a day?

To understand all the details of Diet Chart For Weight Loss, we will try to focus on the following points.

  1. What is Calorie? And in what form does the body get energy?
  2. How many calories a day for men and women to lose weight?
  3. Calorie expenditure factor

1. What is Calorie? And in what form does the body get energy?

Our body gets energy from whatever food or drink we take. The unit to measure this energy is Calorie. The body receives these calories in four forms.

Carbohydrate: -

It gives energy to the body in the form of carb. The main source of energy is this carbohydrate, which gives the body the power to do all the work. 1 gram of carbohydrate provides energy equivalent to 4 calories.

Protein: -

The main function of protein is to build, repair and develop the muscles and tissues of the body. Therefore, protein is very important in the development of the body of children and young people. 1 gram of protein also gives 4 calories of energy.


Fat provides energy in the form of fatty acids to the cells of the body. And the fat remaining or excess is stored in the fat cells in the form of a bundle called triglycerides. Which has unlimited potential. There are 9 calories in 1 gram of fat. Therefore, a diet of high fat is minimized in weight loss diet.

Vitamins & Minerals: -

Vitamins and minerals help strengthen bones, heal wounds and increase the body's immune system. Converts food into energy, and repair cells.

2. How many calories a day should men and women consume for weight loss?

We have now understood what are calories and energy and how the body gets energy from it. Now it is important to know how many calories of food should be taken in a day? Due to which body fat and weight should be controlled.

So the answer is that generally women should consume 1800 to 2000 calories and men 2300 to 2500 calories of energy. The daily calorie intake criteria depends on many things that you can understand well from the chart below. Such as the type of work done throughout the day, age, body size, lifestyle etc.

Find your right calorie goal

Now we will focus on how weight loss diet reduces weight. Whatever calories we consume in weight loss diet, if we consume that much energy then the weight remains stable. Otherwise, the weight of the body decreases or increases if you take more or less weight loss diet.

Examples of calorie expenditure like

If you take 2500 calories of food and spend 2500 calories in a day's implementation, then there is 0 (zero) calories remaining. In this condition the weight will be absolutely stable.

But if you spend only 2000 calories then the balance will be 500 calories, which will be stored in your body in the form of fat. If you balance 500 calories per day continuously for 7 days, then your weight will increase by ½ Kg in a week. And 2 to 3 Kg body weight will increase in a month. And due to the constant calorie balance, the speed of increasing weight will be faster.

On the contrary, if you spend 3000 calories, then 500 calories will be taken from the extra fat stored in the body. And in 1 month, the weight will be reduced by 2 to 3 Kg. In this way, we can create the desired shapely, slim and fit body by keeping weight loss diet plan in hindi.

3. Calorie expenditure factor

From the above Calorie Weight loss diet chart, we have found out how much Calorie we need in a day. But each person's body type and mood are different. Therefore, all people have different ability to burn calories. Because many factors are responsible for the burning of calories in the weight loss diet. as written below.

BMI-Body Mass Index

Your BMI, body mass index, is a number calculated from your height and weight that is then used to assess your body composition. Which suggests that you have to take weight loss diet or weight gain diet. 

Digestive system activation (BMR Index-Basal metabolic rate)

Your BMR, basal metabolic rate, is the number of calories you burn (spent) when your body is at rest. Often you have seen some people eat very little (follow weight loss diet), yet they are not under weight control and some eat too much (do not follow weight loss diet), yet do not gain weight. The main reason for this is the different BMR of each body. BMR itself determines the activation of the digestive system. The digestive system is activated and burns of all types of Calorie. And fat does not accumulate in the body. Conversely, if the digestive system is less active then fat in the body quickly increases the weight by taking the form of extra fat and obesity.

Physical activity 

Every person's day-to-day work has different format and working environment. In the case of less physical activity and comfortable working environment, less calories will be burnt and in comparison to more physical activity and hard working condition, more calories will be burnt. Let us understand this with an example.

For example, an HR employee working in a multinational company will have less calories to work if we compare it to a worker engaged in road construction work. While HR employee will need only 1800 calories of energy in 8 hours of work, the worker will need 3500 calories. Then you must have understood this example that with Motapa kam karne ke liye diet, you will also have to focus on your physical activity.

Stress and hormonal effects

Our brain controls all the internal and external activities of our body. Now, whether to give instructions to the digestive system for digestion of food or to lift any heavy weight with both hands, in both cases there is a lot of contribution of the brain's efficiency in the completion of the work. But nowadays the level of tension has increased due to the strangulation competition. Which has a bad effect on hormones and brain efficiency. Due to which the ability of the body to perform all the activities has decreased, even now it may be necessary to burn calories.

Note: We have discussed about weight loss tips and diet plan in the next article "Weight Loss Calorie Diet Plan". 

To read the next article and get full info about it, click the link below:👇
