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Monday, September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020

Push Ups

 Push Ups Guide for Beginner

Along with balanced diet, physical exercise is also necessary to keep the body fit and healthy. Exercise can help in keeping the body fit as well as keeping many types of diseases away. In addition, stamina of the body also increases by exercising regularly. In this article, we are talking about one such special exercise i.e, push ups. In this article, we will explain what is push up. Also, we will give information about the benefits of push ups and how to do this exercise. Also keep in mind that before starting any physical exercise, it is necessary to take training from a trainer and it will be beneficial only by doing it regularly.


What is push up?

Push ups are a common exercise in which the entire body is placed parallel to the ground and kept upright. By placing the palms on both sides of the chest, the body is made up and down by emphasizing the arms and shoulders. In this state, the entire weight of the body is on the palms and toes of the feet. Push-ups can be helpful in strengthening muscles, triceps and shoulders as well as increasing body strength.

After knowing about push ups, here we are explaining the types of push ups.

Types of push ups

Push ups can be done in many ways. But, here we are telling you about some of its special and common types:

1. Standard push ups: This is the most common way of doing push ups. In this, the hands are placed parallel to the shoulder and some distance between the legs.

2. Modified push ups: In this method of push ups, the hands are kept parallel to the shoulders, but the knees remain adjacent to the ground. For those who are doing push ups for the first time, this approach is best for the beginning.

3. Wide push ups: In this push up, the legs are fully stretched and your hands are pushed upwards by keeping the hands at some distance from the shoulders. This method is also easier for people doing push ups for the first time.

4. Narrow push ups: In this method of push ups, the hands are placed inward near the chest. This method may seem a bit daunting in the beginning.

5. Decline Push Up: In this type of push up, the hands are placed parallel to the shoulder and the feet are placed on a slightly higher table or ladder. It takes more effort to do this, but it soon shows the effect.

6. Plyometric push-ups: This is an advanced way of doing push ups. In this, while pushing up, the upper part of the body is raised up and clapping. Then hands are placed back on the ground. During this time the claws remain adjacent to the ground.

Advantages of push ups

Like many types of exercise, push ups can also be beneficial for the body. Here we are explaining in detail about the benefits of push ups.

1. Strengthen hands, shoulders and chest

A research was done on students of Korean University to find out how push ups are beneficial for hands, shoulders and chest. Research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) states that doing push-ups causes muscle strain. Also, hands, shoulders and chest are strengthened.

2. Relieve backache

Poor lifestyle and careless physical activity can cause back pain. In this case, push ups can help reduce this problem to some extent. Research has found that doing push-ups improves muscle strength. Also, a stretch in the muscle can be helpful in reducing pain by removing stiffness. People who have lower back pain can benefit from push ups. Also, there is agility in the body.

3. Strengthen muscles

One advantage of push ups is that if done properly, the muscles can become stronger. Some people between the ages of 20 and 30 were researched to confirm this fact. According to this research, the muscles of people's shoulders, arms and arms were strengthened by doing push ups.

4. Advantages of push ups to lose weight

Increasing weight or obesity can cause many types of problems. Push ups can be beneficial to overcome this problem. Some research is available on this topic on the NCBI website. According to them, people who do push ups, along with heart problems, obesity problems can be reduced to a great extent.

After knowing the advantages of push ups, now we are talking about how to do push ups exercises.

 Steps to do Push-Ups

Based on the different types of push ups mentioned above, here we are showing how to do push ups exercises.

1. Standard Push Up:

  • First of all, lay a yoga mat on the ground. After this, lie on your stomach.
  • Keep the neck straight and keep the palms under the shoulders. Also claws should be adjacent to the ground.
  • Now, with emphasis on the hands, lift the body upwards. Then come down comfortably.
  • Bring your body down until the chest touches the ground.
  • Now slowly raise your body back upwards. Keep your hands straight and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  • Then slowly come back down.

2. Modified Push Up:

  • First of all place your hands slightly down the shoulder on the mat. Also, keep a short distance between the feet and keep the knees fixed to the ground.
  • Now take the rest of your body downwards as before.
  • Move your body down until your chest touches the ground.
  • After this, push the body back upwards.
  • Do this method several times in a row.

3. Wide Push Up:

  • To perform this push up, you get into a standard push up, but keep your hands a little distance from the shoulder.
  • After this, bring your body down comfortably, until the chest hits the ground.
  • After this, rise back up and repeat this method.

4. Narrow Push Ups:

  • Narrow push ups are initiated similar to standard push ups. All that has to be done is that both of your hands are placed inward towards the chest.
  • The entire method followed is similar to standard push ups.

5. Decline Push Up:

  • This push up is done using a table or stairs. Your hands are placed on the ground in a straight line and the feet are placed on the table or ladder.
  • After this, bring your body downward with ease and try to attach the chest to the ground.
  • Then move back upwards.

6. Plyometric Push-Ups:

  • To perform this push up, come into the position of standard push up.
  • After this move your body downwards.
  • Then raise the body upwards with a jerk and separate both hands from the ground or try to clap and then stabilize the hands back to their place on the ground.
  • Now bring your body back down and while coming upwards, do the same method as before.

Note: If you are doing push ups for the first time, then try to do it under the supervision of a knowledgeable person. Also, each push up should be done in a set of three.

Following the method of doing push ups, here we are telling you how to do push ups in C form.

Tips for doing push ups in proper form

Whether doing push ups or any other exercise, it is important to always keep in mind some useful things. Here we are giving some special tips for push ups.

  • While doing the push up, keep your hands facing the shoulder.
  • Keep the feet together or at a distance of about 12 inches.
  • Keep your back straight and leave your body weight on hands and feet.
  • Look down as you go downwards, and when you reach the bottom completely or until the elbow is at 90 degrees, then look towards the front.
  • While doing push ups, move your body downward with ease. It should not be hurried.
  • The wall must be bent at least 45 degrees to push up.
  • Try to get up in half the time you are taking to go down.

In this part of the article, we are going to explain the disadvantages of doing push ups.

 Side Effects of Push Up

Although push ups have been considered a good exercise, but if it is done due to lack of information or if done incorrectly, it can have negative consequences. Here we are giving information about the disadvantages of doing push ups.

  • Incorrect push ups can cause pain in the neck, back, abdomen and wrist.
  • In addition, there is a fear of injury to the elbow due to improper push ups and there is a possibility of sprains in the body.
  • Muscle strains and stiffness may also occur.

Any exercise, if it is done properly, can be beneficial for health. One of them is push ups. You learned about push ups and its benefits through the article, as well as information about how it should be done. If you are going to do a push up for the first time, then our advice would be to do it under the supervision of a good trainer. In the comment box below, you should tell about the benefits of push ups and how this article gives information about how it was beneficial for you.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 27, 2020

Workout at Home: No Gym, No Equipment

Lockdown Gym Workout at Home without any Equipment

Gym is closed in Lockdown, so do these 5 exercises in the evening after work from home, you will get best results.

The craze of excellent fitness occurs among boys. In lockdown, this craze does not happen, so we are telling you about 5 best exercises here.

Also read: Best Exercises to Help You Lose Weight

Many things have been completely locked due to the lockdown. In such a situation, those people who are going to the gym daily are getting the most trouble. After doing work from home, people are missing their gym exercise due to which many people have gain weight.

If you are also one of such people and you do not have any gym equipment in your home, then we are going to tell you some exercises that you can do to keep yourself fit by exercising at home during lockdown. So without delay we tell you about these exercises.

Basic Squat

You can do basic squat in any corner of the house. You do not necessarily need to go to the gym for this. By doing this exercise, your thighs are strengthened and their curve is also revealed. At the same time, by doing this exercise, your stomach problems can also be eliminated.

How to do

  • To perform a basic squat, first stand in a straight posture and keep a distance of 1-2 feet between your legs.
  • Now move your hands directly towards the front and keep the hands in a parallel position to the ground.
  • Now keeping your hands in front, bend your knees down at a 90 degree angle.
  • Now return to the initial position and repeat the same process again.
  • You can do this process at least 10 to 12 times.


Sit-up exercise helps in reducing weight and reducing abdominal fat, as well as to make the stomach inside out. You can do this exercise after doing work from home and before dinner in the evening. This exercise is also done a lot by people who make six pack abs. After doing this exercise only for 4 to 5 days continuously, you will start seeing the results on your own.

How to do

  • First of all lie back on the ground and spread your legs straight.
  • Fold your hands behind the head.
  • Now keep your hands on the head and try to get up while pushing on the stomach.
  • If necessary, bend the legs from the knee.
  • Try to keep the feet clinging to the ground after the legs bend from the knees.
  • Now try to sit on the hips (Back) while lifting your body and then lie back on the ground in the initial position.
  • Then repeat the same process again.
  • If you have done this exercise in the gym then you will not have any problem in doing it at home.
  • You can do this exercise at least 10 to 15 times.

Jump Squat

Performing a jump squat also strengthens your leg as well as your back muscles. Apart from this, by doing this exercise, your body's day-long fatigue can also be removed. It is similar to the basic squat but in this jump squat you have to jump with the help of them instead of keeping your feet on the ground.

How to do

  • Stand in the position of the basic squat.
  • Now balance your body and jump a little with the help of your claws.
  • Note that you do not have to jump too much, but only jump to a height of half a foot from the ground, otherwise your body balance can get upset and you may get hurt.
  • You can do 10 to 15 jump squats.

Front Plank

The front plant exercise is considered to be the best for fitness and even after going to the gym, this exercise is definitely told by the trainer. Doing this exercise helps strengthen your hands and shoulders, as well as reduce your belly fat. This exercise has a lot of craze among the people who make six pack abs. You can do up to 5 minutes by making the front plant exercise the balance of the body.

How to do

  • To do front planks exercises, you have to come in the position of push-ups.
  • After getting into the position of the pushups, fold the hands with the elbow and rest on the ground.
  • Now stick both your legs together.
  • Now you can stay in this position for at least 5 minutes.


You all will know about the exercise of doing push-ups and you must have done it in the gym. Doing push-ups not only strengthens the muscles of your hands, but your chest also gets in good shape. People who want to make six pack abs can also get a great fitness by resorting to pushups. 

How to do

  • To do push-ups exercises, get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Straighten your arms and legs.
  • Now stick both your legs together.
  • Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.
  • Pause, then push yourself back up.
  • repeat and you can do 15 to 25 pushups at one time depending on your capacity.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

September 22, 2020

Alopecia areata

 Alopecia areata: Small patches are being made on the scalp due to hair loss, "Alopecia areata" somewhere else, know what is this disease!

Alopecia areata is a very common form of hair loss. Earlier, alopecia was considered an infectious disease or a disease caused by certain infectious substances. But now, dermatologists worldwide have named it an autoimmune disorder.

Today most people are troubled by the problem of hair loss. During the monsoon season, the hair starts falling too much. Many times the hair falls so much that it becomes almost bald. If your hair is also breaking abnormally too much and small patches are being formed from place to place on the scalp, then you should be alerted. It can be a problem of baldness in men and women, Alopecia areata in hindi. Many times its symptoms are not quickly understood, due to which treatment can be difficult and more expensive.

Learn what is alopecia areata and its causes and symptoms

What is alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata is a very common form of hair loss. Earlier, alopecia was considered an infectious disease or a disease caused by certain infectious substances. But now, dermatologists worldwide have named it an autoimmune disorder. However, you can also cure alopecia or alopecia areata by natural methods, right care at home and making changes in your lifestyle. This problem occurs when the immune systems attack the hair follicle, causing sudden rapid breakdown of hair from the scalp and other parts of the body. There is also a situation that the hair of the scalp completely falls out but also arises again, but for this it is important that you recognize the symptoms on time and start treating the disease.

Read also: Is your tummy fat growing fast too! These 4 big reasons can happen for tummy fat

Causes of alopecia areata

As we have told you, Alopecia areata is an autoimmune related disease. This problem begins when white blood cells attack the hair follicle cells and slow down the formation of hair by shrinking them. Apart from this, you may also have Alopecia problem due to the following reasons-

  •  Genetic cause.
  •  Menopause, pregnancy and thyroid problems are caused by a change in hormones.
  •  Head skin infection and ringworm.
  •  Side effects of cancer, arthritis, heart disease, gout and high blood pressure medications.
  • This problem is also caused by making 5 different hairstyles and taking hot hair oil treatment.
  •  Due to weight loss.
  •  Excess stress and depression.
  •  Aging.
  •  Diabetes medications can also cause this problem.

What are the symptoms

  • Head hair fall from place to place.
  • Completely clean hair in the shape of a coin and visible baldness in the head.
  • Loss of body parts and facial hair.
  • Excessive breakage of scalp hair.
  • Hair loss of beard and eyelids.
  • White spots and lines appearing in the head.
  • Nail breakage and nail shine finish.
  • Nails become thin and break.
  • Itching and burning in the scalp before hair fall.

Treatment methods

Treatment depends on each person, because some people have their hair regrowth without treatment, while some people need medicines to grow their hair. Treatment is possible through alternative therapy. Some key therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbal supplements and vitamins can be avoided by breaking hair. They all work effectively. By recognizing the symptoms, specialists give certain medications to treat alopecia areata. In some cases photochemotherapy is done to regrow hair.

Home remedies:

A person suffering from alopecia should avoid meat, acid-rich foods and other substances that cause inflammation, milk and dairy products, sugars and sugars, refined foods such as bakery products, fried and smooth foods. In the case of alopecia, some home remedies may be adopted, which are likely to benefit.

Read also: 10 Shikakai shampoos that can make hair shiny and soft

1. Lavender

Studies have shown that when lavender is rubbed on the scalp in the event of early baldness, alopecia can slow or even reverse the effects of erita. This essential oil is so effective that it is necessary to mix it with almonds or coconut oil before applying. Other essential oils such as peppermint, rosemary oil can also be used to increase the scalp's blood flow, causing hair follicles to regrow.

2. Vitamin C

One of the effective ways to reduce the effect of alopecia areata is to eat as much vitamin C as possible, which is found in citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables.

3. Onion

There are many home remedies, including onion juice, which can be applied directly to the scalp. Excess of sulfur helps to stimulate circulation and new growth, while the antiseptic quality of onions kills scalp infections or germs that cause hair loss. In addition, onion peels are often rubbed on the area of ​​the scalp where the hair is falling.

4. Coconut milk

Applying coconut milk mixed with gram flour on scalp can lead to immediate recovery of lost hair. This paste quickly stimulates the hair follicle and improves scalp.

Alopecia:  Treatments and Abstinence at Home

Diet to eat

  • A perfectly balanced diet such as lean protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, pulses, fatty fish such as Indian salmon and low-fat dairy items are excellent sources for healthy hair growth.
  • Biotin deficiency makes hair brittle and may increase hair loss. Include biotin-rich foods such as whole grains, egg yolk, soy flour, beet, romaine lettuce, carrots and tomatoes.
  • Hair is made of protein, so make sure to take sufficient amount of protein in your diet so that the hair remains healthy and strong. For best sources of protein, take chicken, fish, dairy products and eggs along with vegetarian sources like pulses and nuts.
  • Iron is an essential mineral for hair, and a lack of iron is the main cause of hair loss. Pulses, spinach and other green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, bananas and green lettuce are powerful sources of iron.
  • Vitamin C helps in the formation of collagen that gives strength to the blood vessels in the bloodstream. Its best sources are gooseberry, berries, broccoli, guava, kiwi fruit, oranges, papaya, strawberries and yam etc.
  • Vitamin A is essential for the body to make sebum (the oily substance produced by the oily glands of our hair that acts as a natural conditioner to keep the upper skin of the head healthy). Include animalistic products and orange / yellow vegetables in the diet that contain high amounts of beta-carotene (which makes vitamin A), such as carrots, pumpkin, and yam.
  • Lack of zinc causes hair loss and the scalp skin is dry and scaly. Powdered grains and whole grains are good sources of zinc, apart from this, oysters, calf meat and eggs are also good sources of zinc.


  • Animal fats, especially meat.
  • Acid-rich diet and other substances that induce inflammation.
  • Milk and dairy products.
  • Sweet and other sugar products.
  • Bakery products such as refined foods.
  • Fried, oily and smooth substances.

Yoga and exercise

Exercise is considered useful in reducing a person's stress level because it emits endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals produced by our brain that connect with our nervous organs to relieve pain, upgrade our immune system and reduce stress.

Some activities like running, swimming, cycling, etc. increase your body's production of endorphins.


Methodical massage increases blood circulation (helps to bring more blood to the scalp) and reduces stress. Massaging the scalp with rosemary, lavender, thyme, and cedarwood oil helps increase communication.

Help Center: 

If you are seeking medical help and willing to take a homeopathic treatment at home/clinic, you can consult with Dr. or Hair Care Specialist. 

Dr. Gola
12 Years Experience
Contact No.-8791418545
More Info: Dr-Gola / Natural Healthcare

Best Product to Buy Online:

Organic Harvest LAVENDER Essential Oil 

Himalayan Organics Organic Vitamin C 

Himalayan Organics Organic Plant Based Biotin 10000mcg  

Himalayan Organics Plant based Hair Vitamin (With DHT Blocker & Omega 3)


I would like to suggest to take vitamins and minerals in their natural form such as nuts, fruits etc. If you are willing to take any supplement, please take it under the guidance or on your risk.  

Sunday, September 20, 2020

September 20, 2020

Stress Management

Stress Management: Best way to relieve stress

Stress and Anxiety have become a common problem for most people. Often stress, stress causes workload, lack of time, improper eating, poor lifestyle and family problems. If stress management is not done on time, stress becomes the cause of many diseases. So today you will learn about some of the best ways to relieve stress here, due to which you can reduce stress to a great extent.

Best ways to relieve stress and anxiety:

What is stress?

What is stress and why is stress management needed?

 Also read: Big Reasons of Growing Belly Fat

Despite not wanting, stress becomes an important part of our life and with time it becomes a matter of concern. Although stress is a normal natural activity, problems associated with day-to-day life take over us when we are unable to solve it or it starts dominating us.

According to medical psychology, adrenalin and non-adrenalin fluid flow when the physical and mental functioning starts disturbing. Due to which the tension increases and the person goes into depression.

In fact, stress can have adverse effects on the body, while it also affects the alertness of our mind. That's why doing "Stress Management" can reduce stress to a great extent.

Some major causes of stress

  • Heavy workload
  • Lack of time
  • High standard of living
  • Financial troubles
  • lack of sleep
  • Improper routines
  • disease
  • Atmosphere effect
  • Confusion in relationships
  • Physical disqualification etc.


symptoms of stress

  • The person starts smoking and consuming more alcohol.
  • Tea and drink too much
  • Snag your hair
  • More knee jerk
  • Strike in every work
  • Like to be alone
  • Blind carriage
  • Overdo it
  • Stay aloof from society
  • Always thinking
  • Don't like to laugh
  • To be scared
  • To be more angry
  • Mostly cold feet

Side Effects of Stress

  • Memory loss
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Become weak
  • Go crazy
  • Stay sad
  • Sudden increase in heart rate
  • Mostly cold feet
  • Inverse thoughts

Stress related diseases

  • Risk of heart disease
  • Asthma
  • obesity.
  • diabetes
  • Headache
  • depression and anxiety
  • Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Premature aging
  • Premature death

Till now you have read what is stress, how does it happen, what is the cause, what are the symptoms and what can be the disease. Therefore, when you have fully recognized stress, now you know how to end stress i.e. how to get rid of stress.

Stress Management

Stress management can reduce stress to a great extent, so let's know-

Keep stress away from positive attitude

Negative thinking Negative attitude is mainly responsible for stress in life. To get rid of stress, one has to make one's thinking attitude positive. To make the negative positive, we should read positive enlightening books and continuously practice meditation.

Accept that there are some events that you cannot control

There is a cruel truth in life that some people refuse to accept: You have no control over many things that happen in your life. Some people think of everything from natural disasters to deadly diseases. Their worries keep them afloat, but eventually they waste their time and energy, because worrying does no good.

Admit this. If there is a solution to something, find it and if it is not, it is pointless to worry. If you find yourself wasting time worrying about things you cannot control. , So here are some points that can help you -

Determine what you can control and what not.

Focus on your impact - write down why you are feeling like this. Focus on changing your behavior.

Recognize your fear.

Difference Between Rumor and Problem-Solving

Make a plan to manage your stress.

Develop a healthy environment.

Relieve stress with meditation and yoga

Through yoga, you can remove stress and tension.

Exercise regularly. Being fit can help your body fight stress better.

Eat healthy, balanced diet.

Eat little, but eat only clean and nutritious food.

Learn to manage your time more effectively.

Make a chart to do every work on time. Set work priorities. As long as your mind will not be clear about which work to do first and which later, then you will be confused. Do the creative work first. Try to stay away from your phone in the morning, so that your mind is calm and you can work well throughout the day.

Remove the causes of stress

Stay away from any reason that causes you stress or reduce those reasons. Nowadays, one reason for stress is seen that we are not happy with the work we are doing or we are not interested in it. Nevertheless, he continues to work with impunity.

Clarity in vision

When we do some work without any purpose, are not well aware of our needs, then this increases our stress the most. If we do not know what we need from ourselves, we will always be in disharmony. Therefore, if there is any confusion, then we should talk about it immediately.

Make time for hobbies, interest, and relaxation.

In our desire to get more, we get so busy in work that we cannot rest properly in our work of choice. If you want to get rid of stress then take time for your family, your interest and also take a little rest in between work. If under stress, get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time and energy to overcome stressful events.

Proper time management

Better time management has many advantages. It keeps us focused, makes sense of priorities and also reduces stress. One of the best ways to improve time management is not to expect too much, think about your progress daily, make routines, so that you can complete all the work on time according to priority. Keep some reserve time in your planning as well. It will be able to complete the work on time even if there is any disruption and there will not be any unnecessary stress.

Do not rely on alcohol, drugs or compulsive behavior to reduce stress

You can get rid of it for some time, but later it will become more deadly for you. Therefore, relying on alcohol, drugs or compulsive behavior to reduce stress is not good.

Spend enough time with the people you love

With whom you like to talk, with whom you feel good. By sharing your talk with them, you can reduce stress to a great extent.

 Stress Management Tips-

Apart from this, you should also adopt these measures like -

  • Make changes in your lifestyle.
  • Avoid getting up and down with negative people.
  • Be with happy and positive thinking people.
  • Do not discuss or debate unnecessarily with anyone.
  • Set a time to sleep and wake up in the morning.
  • Do not work more than physical capacity at all.
  • Share your concerns with friends and family.
  • Only eat nutritious and balanced diet.
  • Listen to music - whatever you like.
  • Don't stick to gadgets like mobiles, televisions and laptops all the time.
  • Visit a beautiful scenic place during the holidays.
  • If you feel you must contact the doctor.

In the end, I would like to say that if you feel that you are under stress for a long time or you are not able to overcome it then it is necessary to contact the doctor. Long-term stress can make you a victim of serious illness.

Friday, September 18, 2020

September 18, 2020

Big Reasons of Growing Belly Fat

 Is your tummy fat growing fast too? These 4 big reasons can happen for tummy fat👇

Due to the changing lifestyle, increasing Belly Fat / Tummy Fat has become a big problem for many people nowadays. People do many such activities from morning to evening, due to which the tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

This fat is so dangerous that it can also cause many fatal diseases. People want to reduce their fat fast (How To Lose Belly Fat Fast), but due to their wrong lifestyle it is not possible.

America's Minnesota Mayo Clinic's research has proved that "people who have more tummy fat have a higher risk of heart-related illnesses than people without tummy fat." , It increases the risk of diseases such as heart disease, heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, asthma, breast cancer and colon cancer. "

But there is no need to panic, if this tummy fat is reduced at the right time, then the risk of these diseases can be avoided. In this article, you will know what causes tummy fat in the body and what methods can be adopted to reduce it (Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat).

First of all, let us know what type of tummy fat is, then let us tell you that there is two types of tummy fat:

Visceral (intestine): This fat accumulates in the intestines present inside the stomach.

Subcutaneous (subcutaneous): This fat accumulates on the skin of the abdomen.

4 big reasons for tummy fat

1. Including Unhealthy Things in Diet

Regular diet includes high sugar foods like candy, cake and sugar drinks like unhealthy weight gain. By adding these things in the diet for a long time, the body gets a lot of calories, which gradually starts to change into fat.

This fat starts from our stomach and tummy fat starts increasing. These things are low in protein and high-carbs, due to which the metabolism becomes slow. This reduces the capacity of a person to burn fat and the tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

Including fast food or junk food in the diet is also no less dangerous. Those who remain inactive and involve these things more in the diet, then their tummy fat also increases rapidly.

The American Heart Association says that instead of including unhealthy items in the diet, include whole grain foods, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. These things help in maintaining weight, as well as not allowing tummy fat to increase.

Whenever you buy a food item, be sure to check the label of the food, to check whether there are such things as whole grains, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats.

2. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol

Drinking alcohol not only increases the risk of diseases like heart disease and liver disease, regular drinking also increases tummy fat. We have already told you what are the disadvantages of increasing tummy fat.

You might be wondering how drinking alcohol increases tummy fat, then let us tell you that alcohol contains a lot of calories which increases weight rapidly.

Research by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has proved that daily drinkers consume 10 percent of their calorie intake through alcohol. People who drink a full glass of alcohol lose 178 calories in their body. These calories are equal to the energy gained by eating two chocolate biscuits.

Consumption of alcohol daily and then consuming heavy diet, the fat starts increasing rapidly. It has the most effect on tummy and tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

If people who drink alcohol want to reduce their tummy fat, then one solution is to stop drinking alcohol altogether. After this, be physically active. Reduce fat by joining morning walk, exercise, gym or yoga class. By doing this tummy fat can be reduced rapidly.

3. Not being physically active

Many people have a habit of eating something throughout the day. In such a situation, these people consume more calories than necessary. Those who consume a lot of calories throughout the day, it is very important to remain physically active.

If such people do not exercise or any other physical activity, then after an age, their tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

In a study related to Obesity, it has been proved that men and women who watch TV for more than 3 hours continuously, their tummy fat also increases rapidly. This is because while watching TV, we sit in one place for a long time and keep eating something, this causes stress on the stomach, due to which the tummy fat starts increasing rapidly.

Join gym or yoga class to reduce tummy fat or start the morning walk on your own. This helps in reducing extra calories of the body. Also, being physically active, tummy fat can also be reduced.

4. Staying in stress for a long time

Also read : Stress Management and their Tips and Strategies

In a busy lifestyle, anyone gets stressed. But it is not good to be so long. Stress causes many serious diseases as well as tummy also increases.

People who remain in stress for a long time have a hormone release in their body called cortisol. Because of this, the metabolism of the body (metabolic process) is affected. Everything we eat starts turning into fat. In this case, fat increases rapidly around the stomach.

Whenever the tension is felt, take long deep breaths and release. This provides sufficient amount of oxygen to the lungs and brain, which helps to relieve stress. If you feel more stressed every day, then you can use yoga and meditation to reduce it.

If stress increases due to smoking, leaving it completely is a better option. Also, get enough sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours. Getting enough sleep helps to maintain the mood, which helps to overcome the problem of stress.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

September 13, 2020

Homemade Organic Face-Pack with Beauty Tips

4 Homemade Organic Face-Pack with Top 5 Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin

These 5 beauty tips must follow before sleeping, skin will always glow

Do you follow these beauty tips before bedtime? If you do not, then definitely follow from now on, your skin will always glow.

Many people are unable to do anything for their skin due to fatigue before bedtime, but if this habit is changed a little, it can be of great benefit. Due to the rush of the day, skin routine cannot be taken care of, but if something is done while sleeping at night, then a lot can happen. Now this much can be done for glowing skin.

Some ladies take care of their skin properly throughout the day, but sleep by ignoring it due to physical fatigue at night, but do you know that our body parts do their work even when we are sleeping during the night Are doing smoothly. So that you wake up in the morning and feel fresh in yourself. If you want your skin to always glow and stay away from all the skin related problems, then you have to do these 5 things before going to bed.

1. Do not forget to wash your face with water

We need a lot of things to do for the proper care of the skin. Which can make your skin beautiful, soft and shiny. For skin care, it is necessary to execute some things before sleeping at night and the first thing comes in it is to wash the face with clean water. The face should be washed with clean water before sleeping at night. Water is very necessary to remove impurities of the skin. For this, you should always go to bed before sleeping at night by cleaning your skin with cold and clear water.

2. Use herbal face mask

Herbal face masks applied on the face before sleeping at night are the best way to keep the skin healthy and nutritious. By using it, the nutrients get lost in the skin besides the moisture lost. Which is suitable for your skin in every way. In summer, you can apply multani, cucumber or sandalwood powder.

3. Take special care of eyes

Do not forget to put cream and eye drops on the eyes before sleeping at night. The surface of the eye is the most sensitive part, so extra care is required. Along with removing the dark spots on the skin around the eyes, it is very important to use eye cream to remove wrinkles, so do not forget to apply the cream under the eyes before sleeping at night and also Do not forget to add eye drops as well. This will eliminate the fatigue of your entire day.

4. Do not forget to moisturize the skin

To bring moisture back to dry skin, you can bring moisture to the skin not only on the face but on the whole body using cream, lotion or coconut oil. By applying this, sleeping will keep your skin moist and premature wrinkles will also be cured.

5. Massage hair

Along with the skin, you can also massage the hair before sleeping at night. By doing this, your whole day's fatigue will disappear and you will be able to sleep soundly. Due to deep sleep, your skin will start glowing.

These 4 homemade face packs will affect your skin in 4 ways

If you are also troubled by problems like acne, pimples, pigmentation on the skin, then we are telling you about those 4 types of household face packs that will affect your skin in 4 ways.


Many times, even after using all types of skincare products, your skin looks dry and lifeless. In such a situation, our advice to you is that instead of using chemical products more, you should use household items. We are saying this because if you use homemade things in the right quality, then you can see amazing changes from the problem of pimples and acne to the skin color. We are telling you about 4 types of facepacks that will affect your skin in 4 different ways ...

1. Fuller's earth ( Multani mitti ) and Rose water

Mix two spoons of multani mitti, one spoon of curd, 2-3 drops of rose water thoroughly. Apply this paste on the face. After about 10 minutes, wash off with cold water. Apply this pack 3 times a week. The antimicrobial, antioxidant, mineral, vitamins found in it provide moisture by controlling the oil in the skin.

2. Neem Leaves Paste

Neem leaves work as a medicine for the skin. Make a paste of 9 to 10 neem leaves. Add 3 to 4 pinch of turmeric powder to it and apply this paste on the face. When the paste dries, wash it with cold water. This paste will also clean the skin stains with pimples.

3. Orange peel

Make oranges peel powder. Make a pack by mixing 4 tablespoons milk, 1 teaspoon coconut oil, 2 to 4 teaspoons rose water in three teaspoons powder. Use it 4 to 5 times a week. Actually, orange gives antioxidants in the skin, which is beneficial for the overall health of the skin.

4. Aloe vera gel and Honey

This face pack is best for all skin types as it is natural, so it also helps to keep the skin healthy. To make a face pack, take a spoon of aloe vera gel and mix it with one spoon of honey. Apply it on the face for 10 to 12 minutes. Vitamins, antioxidants, antimicrobials, mineral oils found in honey are very beneficial for the skin.

 Special Beauty Hack👇

Morning Face-pack cum scrub

Homemade face pack cum scrub for glowing skin:

If you are worried for your skin, then leave all worry. Here, homemade face packs for you, using which your skin will look absolutely glowy. Soak 100 grams of wheat bran in a cup of water overnight. Massage it with light hands by applying it on the face in the morning. It gets rid of dead skin and the skin looks bright.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

September 12, 2020

8 Organic Beauty Products & 5 Beauty Hacks

8 Organic beauty products & 5 Beauty hacks

These 8 organic beauty products you can make at home

Long-term use of beauty products can harm your skin as well as your health, so we have brought for you a list of beauty products that you can easily make at home.

Also read : Homemade Organic Face-pack & Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin

Organic beauty product

In today's time, people living in Trend cannot even imagine themselves without a beauty product. However, these beauty products are very effective and change your look completely. But long-term use can cause permanent damage to your skin. It can be dangerous for your skin as well as your health. So we have brought for you a list of eight beauty products that you can easily make at home. And it will definitely prove to be better for you than a salon treatment.

Lip balm


Almond oil 1 tbsp

3 tablespoons coconut oil

1/4 Great Key Wax

2 tablespoons cocoa butter

how to make:

Combine all ingredients in a container. Then pour this container in a large pot filled with water. Cook it on low flame till it melts. Then when cooled pour it in a small container and use it regularly.

Makeup Remover


3 tablespoons grape seed oil

1 tbsp castor oil

How to make:

Mix these two oils till they are mixed well. Then store it in a bottle, and use it regularly to get good results.

Face Pack


2 tablespoons turmeric powder (turmeric)

3 tablespoons honey

2 tablespoons milk

How to make:

Mix all these things well and make a thick paste. And apply this pack on face before going to bed everyday. Leave it on the face until it dries, then wash it with this water. You can also make this pack and keep it in the fridge.

Natural Bleach is Lemon

If you are troubled by the problem of tan, lemon is the perfect element to get rid of tan. Citric juice present in lemon acts as a natural bleach.

How to use:

Cut the lemon in between. And gently rub it on your face for five minutes. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your face.


Extra virgin olive oil is not only good for your health but also very good for your skin. Regularly massaging your skin can keep the skin moisture intact.

How to use:

Take a few drops of olive oil and rub it on your body. But keep in mind that oil should not be taken too much because after the massage starts smelling like food. Oil should be used according to the dryness of your skin.

Body Scrub


1/8 cup honey

1 cup organizing extra virgin olive oil

1-1 / 2 cup brown sugar

1/4 tsp of your favorite fragrance: lemon juice, lavender oil, coffee or cloves

How to make:

Mix all these things in a large bowl. Mix it well until a thick paste is formed. Store this paste in a container, there is no need to keep it in the fridge. You can use it whenever you want.

Razor Burn Treatment

Honey is a natural element that helps to keep your skin healthy and fresh. Applying properly on the skin also does not cause stickiness.

How to use:

Wet your finger and take a few drops of honey in it, gently apply it on the razor burn area. Apply it until it is completely absorbed. Do not wash it You can get beautiful and glitter skin by drying that part.

Natural Pedicure


Tub full of water

3 tablespoons vinegar

1 lemon

2 tablespoons salt

How to make:

Mix salt and vinegar in a tub filled with lukewarm water. Soak your feet in this water for a few minutes. Rub lemons on your feet at regular intervals.

 5 Beauty hacks

These 5 beauty hacks every girl should know

If you feel that you have to work very hard to maintain your beauty, then this news is for you. To look beautiful you just need to adopt some easy hacks, and what are those methods, we are telling you here ...


Use hair conditioner during shaving

Do you also feel that if you do not get smooth skin by using razor then it means that you are not shaving properly. Use hair conditioner instead of men shaving foam. Yes ... apply a hair conditioner on the body before shaving. This will make the hair on the body soft and it will be easier to shave them.

Baking soda for white teeth

If your makeup gets messed up, you can correct it by erasing it, but your yellow teeth are immediately visible to anyone, making your first impression worse. In this case, the best way to whiten yellow teeth is baking soda. Add 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide to one teaspoon of baking soda and use it as a paste. The result will be much better than your expensive toothpaste.

Honey face pack for acne

Pimple is the best way to deal with acne. Due to the antibacterial property present in honey, if you apply honey as a face pack on the regular face, it will not only get rid of pimples but also will not return pimples.

Use of rice as a conditioner

To make hair soft and silky, use the remaining rice water instead of hair conditioner. After shampooing wash the hair with the remaining rice water and leave it on the hair for about 5 minutes. After this wash the hair again with water. Your hair will become strong and shiny.

Magic of petroleum jelly

If you want a natural glow on the face, then apply a little petroleum jelly on your cheeks before leaving the house. Your lost natural glow will come back and you will also find many supplements.