3 White Poisoning Food - You want to avoid!
Health Hazards of Three White Products
There is a growing tendency in modern times to make the articles of diet as artificial and pleasing to the eye and tasty to the tongue, without any regard to their ultimate effect on health. This had led to the refining and demineralizing of cereals and sugar and addition of salt to various foodstuffs to make them tasty and delicious. Fortunately, there is realization now among the enlightened people that the artificial and concentrated dietary, to a large extent is responsible for the vast array of present day disease.
Of the various artificial foodstuffs being used today for their delicious taste, white flour, sugar and salt, known as three Ws (White products) have been found especially harmful. They constitute serious health hazards and their excessive consumption can lead to several degenerative disease. Their harmful effects are discussed in this article.
White Flour
- Consuming white flour can increase risk of chronic disease and heart problems.
- White flour can lead to weight gain, stress, headache, migraine and constipation.
- It can increase the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
- Due to low in nutrition, it can also lead to weak immunity and digestion problems.
White Sugar
- It is irritating and difficult to digest.
- Its high intake can rob the body of its vitamins made available to it by consumption of other food.
- Excessive use of white sugar leads to gastric catarrh and hyperacidity.
- It is also associated with obesity, dental caries, diabetes & chronic heart disease.
- It is supplies only calories without any nutritive value & stored in the form of fat in our body.
White Salt
- Too much salt in the body can result in oedema or swelling of the legs and ankles.
- B.P. may rise & may not go down again until the excess sodium has been removed from the body.
- Intake too much salt can creating an artificial thirst which can lead to obesity.
- Intake too much salt can lead chronic kidney stone, gallbladder stone.
- Excessive intake of salt can also lead to stomach ulcer, stomach cancer, hardening of arteries & heart disease.