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Thursday, August 27, 2020

August 27, 2020

Eat This, Not That - Breakfast Food Tips

Most Unhealthy Breakfast: Do not eat them at breakfast, these 5 fried fast foods are the worst for health

Not only the country, these 5 foods are the most unhealthy breakfasts in the world. Sometimes you can eat in fun time, the more you stay the better.

Things like pancakes, fried beans and sauces cannot be called a healthy breakfast to start the day. Now you will feel that if they do not eat, what will they eat… because their taste makes the day! There is no doubt that all these things look very tasty. But their taste can spoil our health by eating them at the beginning of the day…

Fried Chicken - One is still Corona era, so it is better to stay away from meat. But chicken should not be used in breakfast even on normal days. There is no doubt that chicken is an excellent source of protein. But during the course of preparing the chicken, it mixes a lot of fat and salt.

- As the chicken is deep fried, it is soaked in a batter. In this process, the quantity of both salt and oil in the chicken is very high. After eating so much oily and salty breakfast, you hardly feel energetic.

Matty Pizza - Not all pizzas are good for health. But pizza is not even healthy food to be eaten for breakfast. Among them, especially Matty Pizza Because it contains too many calories.

Cheese, toppings, etc. are used in preparing Matty pizza. Those who work to give extra calories to the body. So you can test this food at any other time of the day, that too sometimes. Believe it there is nothing more nutritious than the Indian plate.

Forget BMT - Nothing can be said about the name of fast food, but what is the name of this 'Big Meat Thing' aka BMT, we cannot say anything. Yes, if we can tell you something concretely about it, then please do not eat it for breakfast.

- Because a large amount of salt is used to prepare 'Big Meat Thing'. Fat is also present in it. If you start the day with this, then your body needs as much salt and fat as it needs throughout the day. Half of it will be filled from it. But it will only cheat your body in terms of nutrition!

Chocolate Bluebeard Beverages - If you always ask for breakfast from outside, then keep in mind that it is better to drink simple coffee than to buy chocolate blueberry beverages. Because the amount of sugar and fat in these drinks is equal to your one time meal.

However, shortly after taking these drinks you may feel hungry again. Even if you do not feel hungry, you will not get satisfaction like food. In this case, you will only take extra calories on craving.

Cheese Burger-Wow! Start salivating after hearing the name. But keep this taste wave to enjoy in the evening snacks or occasional fun times. Eating a burger at breakfast means filling your stomach with high fat and sugar.

-If you often ignore your health and enjoy a delicious burger at breakfast, then take care, soon heart disease can knock on your threshold.

Energetic Breakfast: body will remain cool all day, take any one of these things in breakfast

Know here what you should eat in breakfast in this monsoon season that will give you energy for the whole day and keep your mood happy.

In the humid rainy season, it is common to have cold and sometimes hot. There are many physical and mental troubles in this color changing season. Therefore, it is important that while going to work, we should eat something from home so that our body remains cool throughout the day and seasonal viruses and bacteria cannot attack us. Come, here we know about such food items, by eating breakfast, our body and mind remain calm throughout the day…

Eat sprouts in the morning
-You can eat sprouts in the morning in breakfast or before breakfast or between breakfast and lunch. Sprouts prepared with green moong and desi gram will provide coolness to both your body and mind.

You can add finely chopped onions, boiled potato pieces, tomato sauce, salt, etc. to increase the taste of sprouts. This will not make you boring. That is, both taste and health will also get together.

Gulkand freshness
- Gulakanda prepared with rose flower petals, honey and sugar is as much enamored with its fragrance and taste as it is for our body.

Gulkand protects our body from fatigue and lethargy, besides keeping us from the problem of winter-heat. It increases the secretion of Happy Hormones in our brain and helps to keep our mood fresh throughout the day. You can have Gulkand with milk for breakfast. Keep in mind, when taking milk or any milk-made substance for breakfast, do not take salt together. With milk-gulkand, you can eat fruit, pestle etc. in breakfast.

Barley water and flour
-You can use barley flour for breakfast. For this, mix a little barley flour in your wheat flour and prepare rotis, puris or parathas. Along with this, you can also use barley water in the morning.

For this, take barley as required and mix it in water and cook on low flame for 20 to 30 minutes. After turning off the gas, let the water cool down. Then filter this water. Drink a few drops of black salt and lemon in cold water. If you do this 2-3 times in a week, you will still get benefit.

- The aroma of pineapple makes the mood fresh. Also increases hunger. This fruit is like a medicine for our digestive system. It also works to give energy to the body. If you take 1 glass of pineapple juice half an hour after breakfast or between breakfast and lunch. So it will keep you fresh and light throughout the day.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

August 20, 2020

Health Benefits of Garlic Salt & Black Salt

Garlic Salt Benefits: Garlic salt also keeps weight under control with blood pressure!

 Learn here 4 great benefits Salt For High Blood Pressure:

 People who are worried about extra body fat and high blood pressure can add garlic to the diet in many ways. Garlic Salt is loaded with many amazing benefits from weight loss to blood pressure control.

Garlic Salt Benefits:
Garlic is considered very beneficial for controlling blood pressure. People who are worried about extra body fat and high blood pressure can include garlic in the diet in many ways. Garlic Salt is loaded with many amazing benefits from weight loss to blood pressure control. Garlic full of healthy properties is also known to enhance the taste and health in our kitchen. Garlic can give many benefits from hair to skin to health. Provided you know how to consume it. You can also eat it by making salt from garlic. Benefits of Garlic Salt are enough. It can also be helpful in reducing the risk of cholesterol.

Eating garlic does not cause blood clotting and may reduce the risk of heart attack. Eating garlic can provide relief in high BP. Actually, garlic can be very helpful in controlling blood circulation. Garlic can be made from home easily. .

Health Benefits of Garlic Salt:

1. Effective in controlling high blood pressure

Although blood pressure can be controlled by taking raw buds of garlic in the morning, but it can be difficult to consume these raw buds because it is spicy in taste. In such a situation, you can make garlic salt and eat it. Garlic salt is considered very beneficial in improving blood flow.

2. Beneficial in cholesterol

Garlic is also considered beneficial for cholesterol. In such a situation, you can get help in reducing bad cholesterol by consuming salt by making garlic. Cholesterol level can be kept balance by taking garlic salt daily.

3. The body will detox

Sulfur is found in good quantity in garlic. Sulfur is a compound that protects your organs from the toxicity of metals, so that organs are not damaged. Wrong food can cause many harmful elements in the body, these are called toxins. In such a situation, you can detox the body by consuming garlic.

4. Beneficial in losing weight

Weight loss properties are also found in garlic. Salt made from garlic contains a good amount of dietary fiber, which can digest food and improve digestion of foods and helps in reducing weight easily.

Method of making garlic salt. Garlic Salt Recipe

Garlic salt is made from salt and garlic. To make this salt, mix one third part ordinary salt and one part garlic powder together. Put it in the grinder and leave it to be fine. When the mixture becomes fine, bake it in the oven at 180 degree centigrade for one hour. To get the texture of salt, grind this mixture once again in a grinder.

Black Salt Benefits: Black salt is a panacea for many stomach problems, from constipation, acidity, Learn the benefits and disadvantages of black salt!

 Black Salt Benefits: Black salt has been used a lot since old times. Even today, Black Salt is definitely in our kitchen. The benefits of black salt are many. Black salt is not only considered beneficial for the stomach, but black salt health benefits are many.

Black Salt Benefits And Side Effects: Black salt has been used a lot since old times. Even today, Black Salt is definitely in our kitchen. The benefits of black salt are many. Black salt is not only considered beneficial for the stomach, but black salt health benefits are many. Iron and minerals are found in plenty in black salt, which are considered very beneficial for health. Black salt is known by many names such as rock salt, pink salt, black salt and Himalayan salt. Black salt is also used in Ayurveda. Black salt is also considered beneficial for constipation and acidity.

If black salt is added to your diet daily, it can also help in keeping you healthy by improving digestion. Black salt can help in relieving stomach pain. Even black salt can be helpful in weight loss. Here we are telling about many such benefits of black salt ...

These Are Amazing Health Benefits Of Black Salt:

- Black salt is rich in iron and minerals as well as has many medicinal properties.

- Black salt and parsley can be taken to relieve stomach pain or torsion.

- Black salt can be beneficial in relieving joint pain or stiffness problem.

- Using black salt in salads or other foods can reduce gas and constipation problems.

- Black salt can give a boost to our digestive power.

- Black salt can also increase seratonin hormone which can help in keeping us relaxed.

- Black salt can help us get a good sleep.

- The amount of sodium in black salt is less than white salt.According to research, consuming more sodium can increase obesity, salt with less sodium can help in reducing weight.

Talking about the health benefits of black salt, it controls the irregular heart beats. It can also control cholesterol and high blood pressure.


Side effects of excessive consumption of black salt Black Salt Side Effects:

There is no harm in eating a limited amount of black salt, but if you consume it in large quantities, these can cause harm.

- High blood pressure problem.
- Hypertension
- Heart disease
- Kidney problems
- Stones
- stroke
- colon cancer

Friday, August 14, 2020

August 14, 2020

Take care of kitchen, bathroom & toilet hygiene

 Take care of kitchen, bathroom & toilet hygiene 

Take care of kitchen hygiene

It is very important to keep the kitchen clean in the house. You believe in feeding your family a good diet and nutritious food, but if the kitchen is dirty, your body will not feel anything. Your health cannot remain healthy until the same stuff in the kitchen is used with cleaning. If you do not clean the stove and slab after cooking at night, then you are inviting germs and cockroaches.

1. Ways to keep the kitchen towel clean

Similarly, if you do not wash the knife after using it, you are still giving the bacteria a chance to grow. So friends, if you have a little idea of ​​the hygiene of the kitchen, then try these tips.

2. Wash the knife after every use

 Don't forget to wash the knife. At the end of the day, wash the knives with a hot soap solution, so that bacteria and dirt contained in it can be cleaned.

3. Cutting board

Veg and non-veg eaters should have two separate cutting boards. Bacteria are spread on the board by cutting non-vegetarian material, which you can use hydrogen paraoxide to remove. It destroys bacteria and germs.

4. Sterilize

Sterilize the bottle, pan and cutting board once a week in hot water. Make the kitchen scrub, kitchen towel and cloth sterile.

5. Clean the slab after cooking

 It is very basic rule of kitchen that do not forget to clean the kitchen slab after cooking. If even a slight grain of food has fallen on the slab, it will feast on ants and cockroaches.

6. Keep the cover covered

 Always keep the pan and the pan covered, so that mosquitoes and flies do not fall into it.

7. Do not save cooked food

Do not keep the food cooked for a long time, due to this, heating it again and again increases the chances of its getting spoiled.

8. Spraying baking soda around dustbin

The dustbin of the kitchen smells bad due to spoiled food. So sprinkle baking soda around the bin so that germs are destroyed and the smell does not spread throughout the house.

How to clean the bathroom

Just as you try to keep every corner of your house clean, similarly your bathroom also needs a lot of cleaning. It is because personal hygiene is hidden in the bathroom cleaning. If your house is shining and the bathroom is dirty, then cleaning is of no use. Today we will tell you how to clean the bathroom so that it shines with the house.

bathroom HYGIENE

1. Start the bathroom cleaning with shelves first. Pick up all the old shampoos, conditioners and face washes on the bathroom shelves and throw them out. People always buy new items and the old goods boxes are lying in the same way. Do not make your bathroom dustbin.

2. Clean the place where you place soap too. If soap has accumulated in the soap granule, remove it and clean it. If soap granule is dirty then it can cause infection. Also, do not let the soap get wet in water. Keep it in a dry place. Wash it with water before using.

3. Clean the walls of the bathroom as far as the splashes are, so that bacteria do not grow on the walls. Change your toilet brush every six months as it is used daily.

4. It is seen that sometimes water comes out from the shower. This happens because there is a continuous flow of hard water in the water, which leads to mineralization and freezing in the showerhead. To overcome this, take out the shower head and put it in vinegar for 30 seconds. This will clean it and water will flow properly.

5. Make sure to smoke mosquito incense sticks at the toilet and bathroom at least twice a week, so that insects and mites are destroyed. For this, burn the mosquito incense sticks and keep the door closed for at least one hour.

Follow these tips for toilet hygiene

World Toilet Day is celebrated every year on 19 November. To overcome the problem of sanitation around the world and achieve the goal of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, World Toilet Day is celebrated with this objective. The theme of World Toilet Day this year is also Leaving no one behind. According to an estimate, 4.2 billion people worldwide still do not have toilet facilities. At the same time, many health problems arise due to lack of proper sanitation. In addition, toilet hygiene is also a major problem facing the world.

Toilet is a hotspot for harmful microbes. They can be on floors, taps, toilet seats, doors, handles, wash basins etc. Dirty and unhygienic toilets are a source of various harmful diseases including typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and parasitic infections. Toilet hygiene is also essential for good health.

Under toilet hygiene, the toilet is a humid place due to the use of regular water in the house. At such a place a large number of germs and bacteria thrive. Bacteria like E-coli, Salmonella are also found in bathrooms. These bacteria are present on the toilet seat, floor, flush and door handles. Bacteria in the toilet absorb organic waste and release gases which is why we have a dirty smell in the toilet. In such a situation, toilet hygiene is particularly needed.

Important tips for toilet hygiene are:

Clean the floor:

When cleaning the floor under toilet hygiene, start in one corner of the bathroom and exclude the dirt while stroking towards the same place. Collect garbage and put it in the trash.

Disinfect all the most touched places:

Clean toilet flush handles, door knobs, taps, paper towel dispensers, stall locks, light switches and walls etc. with disinfectants. Put phenyl and other pesticides on the surface to eliminate germs and bacteria and leave for a while. Pay special attention to cleaning the floors, baseboards, tiles, grout and especially the areas around the toilet.

Clean mirrors and lights:

Clean the mirror with a tissue paper. Clean out dust and germs with lights, vents, taps, fans and light switches.

Close the lid before flushing:

Every time you flush the toilet, bacteria are released into the air and then to all the surrounding surfaces. So while flushing the toilet, make sure that the toilet lid is down. Doing this will reduce the spread of bacteria in the toilet.

Clean the toilet brush:

Also remember to clean the toilet brush. It can spread bacteria if it is not cleaned after every use. Clean the toilet brush with disinfectant. Also, the toilet brush should be changed once every six months.

Take care of toilet ventilation:

To reduce the level of humidity in the room, let the toilet vent and also check if the ventilation system is working properly. Allow the floor to dry completely. The fastest way to do this is to use a dry wipe, which can help clean the floor of any liquid. It also reduces the risk of slipping.

Sanitize the toilet seat:

Under toilet hygiene, clean the toilet seat with a specially designed disinfectant to prevent bacteria from spreading. If you have children at home, follow the same method for their toilet seat. Use products such as toilet seat sanitizer sprays, which remove harmful germs and bacteria.

Clean your hands regularly

Additional care is required when using the toilet. A large amount of bacteria is found on flush knobs and taps. These are ideal places for microbes to come in contact with you because they come in direct contact with our hands from here. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or handwash every time you use the toilet.

Do not use mobile in the toilet

Understanding toilet hygiene, also know that do not use mobile in the toilet. According to one study, 75 percent of the people usually use mobile in the toilet. At the same time, according to another study, your mobile is more dirty than a toilet seat. In such a situation, when moving the mobile in the toilet, it comes in contact with more bacteria. Apart from this, today we use mobile in every work of our day. In such a situation it is harmful for your health.


Toilet hygiene includes keeping the toilet area clean as well as other hygienic habits, such as washing hands. Here are some useful tips for toilet hygiene, which reduces the risk of infection transmission.

-After using the toilet, clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

- Avoid hand taps, doors, handles, toilet seats, etc., for this you can use tissue or toilet paper.

- Clean the toilet flush handle, door handle, tap, light switch, toilet seats etc. using disinfectant.

- Put any type of garbage in the dustbin itself.

- Ensure that the toilet continues to blow air.

- Clean the toilet regularly with good quality cleaning products with strong disinfectant capacity, so that microorganisms and stains are cleaned.

- Do not place your bag or phone on the toilet floor, especially in public toilets.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

August 12, 2020

Disease Treatment with Yoga

 Disease Treatment with Yoga 

- Learn which yoga postures to adopt in which disease!

Yoga is a form of Indian art, which has more importance than just one art. Yoga has its own place in many ways in our life, whether it is to get rid of diseases or to make healthy and healthy life. Many research also shows that yoga has shown its magic where medicines have failed to show their effect. The power of yoga can be gauged by the fact that if you include yoga in your routine, you can protect yourself from any kind of disease and disease quite easily, and you will see that seventeen yoga Gives you a new energy which will change both your physical condition and direction and you will see a new energy transmission in yourself.

Yoga is suitable for all ages and all age groups, and has been used as a complementary treatment along with traditional treatments for various diseases. In many cases, it has been seen that yoga has been able to get rid of congenital diseases, whether it is internal or external.

1. Asthma: Due to the changes in today's environment and changes in food, a person often suffers from new diseases, one of them is asthma, a person suffering from asthma enjoys many things in life. Could not take Asthma patients keep adopting many prescriptions to deal with this problem, but they forget the easiest way, which is yoga. So let's talk about what kind of yoga can make asthma patients live their lives easily and easily.

  • Pawanmuktasana: This asana is very useful for people suffering from asthma as it is helpful in digestion and release of gas.

  • Respiration: This posture takes you into a meditative state and relieves you from anxiety and mental pressures. This calm and stress-free yoga body helps the body to deal with asthma.

  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayama: This asana helps in relieving tension of the mind and body and how to employ breathing techniques and methods.


  • Bhujangasana: Bhujangasana is a useful yoga for many types of diseases but it is very useful in asthma because it improves blood circulation.


Diabetes: Diabetes is a deadly disease, which has become very widespread these days and is one of the diseases commonly found in people. But like other diseases, treatment of this disease can also be solved by yoga.

  • Kapal-Bhati: Kapalbhati is the best option for any diabetic patient. If this technique is practiced regularly by a diabetic patient, then his patient can be controlled. It is a very effective form of yoga.

  • Trikonasana: By doing Trikonasana, the body gets stamina and energy, besides this posture is also helpful in keeping the navel fixed.

  • Paschimottanasan: By incorporating Paschimottanasan in regular routine, the muscles of the stomach are strengthened which is helpful in digestive diseases.

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana: Ardh Matsyendrasana is a very important yoga for a diabetic patient, it works to keep the body clean internally, also helps in digestion.

Heart related diseases: Although many types of diseases are often seen in people, but nowadays the most commonly seen diseases are related to heart, which are not only fatal but also fatal. So let's now know what kind of yoga we can get rid of heart related diseases.

  • Trikonasana: Trikonasana is very useful in getting rid of heart related and respiratory related diseases. With the help of this yoga, the chest expands, the respiratory process becomes rhythmic. This yoga also helps in increasing your stamina.

  • Virabhadrasana: Virabhadrasana increases the activities of muscles in the body, regardless of any part of the body and relieves heart related diseases.

  • Adhomukhosvanasana: By incorporating Adhomukhosvanasana yoga into regular routine, blood circulation in the heart remains regular, due to which the heart remains healthy and free from diseases.

  • Dhanurasana: Through Dhanurasana, we can prevent heart related diseases. Dhanurasana makes the area around the heart strong, and it makes the whole body flexible and energetic.

4. Blood Pressure control: Blood Pressure related disease is often seen in people, whether it is high blood pressure or low blood pressure. Blood pressure also gives rise to many different types of diseases. So it is very important to control blood pressure, so let's talk about how we can get rid of blood pressure related diseases by adopting what kind of yoga.

  • Sukhasana: This asana helps to keep the body and mind calm, this asana works on the nervous system of man. It reduces hypertension and maintains blood pressure.

  • Adhomukho Swanasana: Adhomukho Swanasana is one of the most useful asanas for blood pressure control, this asana controls blood circulation in the body. Downward posture controls stress and high blood pressure.

  • Breathing: Any yoga is incomplete without this yoga, it is an urgent yoga. When we wear this yoga, the mind and body get rest and our blood pressure comes to a controlled state.

  • Setu Bandhasana: This asana regulates blood pressure by giving proper strength to the blood flowing slowly in the body.

5. Thyroid: Thyroid is a medical condition called thyroid.Which affects the function of the thyroid gland. It is a thyroid gland, in which the disease takes a rare form due to unchecked hormones. So let us see what kind of problem can be solved with yoga.

  • Shirshasann: It is one of the best yoga poses as it helps in direct management of thyroid glands. It helps in balancing the movements of the body and brings awareness and alertness in the body.

  • Sarvangasana: It helps to stimulate the thyroid gland and regulates thyroxine. In this particular posture, due to the inverted posture, blood flows in the head of the head, which helps in reducing the thyroid gland.

  • Halasann: This yoga gives compression to the neck, stimulating the stomach and thyroid gland. It calms the brain and reduces stress and tiredness due to which it got its name Halasann.

  • Matsyasana: When you pull your neck in this asana, it stimulates your thyroid glands. This asana reduces stress, relaxes the body and helps prevent depression that can be caused by thyroid.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

August 02, 2020

Namaste and Coronavirus

Namaste and Coronavirus: replace handshake to avoid corona virus Namaste, learn more benefits

Namaste and Coronavirus: replace Handshake to avoid corona virus To prevent the rapid growing corona virus infection, you have to pay attention to everything. A video of Britain's Prince Charles and US President Donald Trump is becoming increasingly viral, in which he is seen saying hello. They did this to avoid infection with the corona virus.

According to the World Health Organization, a guideline has also been issued about not doing handshake to avoid corona virus infection. Meanwhile, the trend of Namaste has increased rapidly and it also reduces the risk of getting infected by the corona virus by several times.

What does 'Namaste' mean?

It is very important to know first about Namaste. Actually, the word 'Namaste' derives from the Sanskrit word 'Namas'. Namaste means - "My head bowed before you." Namaste has been prevalent among us since ancient times. Even former US President Barack Obama has been seen saying hello. Not only this, by doing Namaste, you also avoid those infectious diseases, which are spread by direct contact.

How can you prevent corona virus infection?

This question is in everyone's mind, how will Namaste prevent corona infection? Actually corona virus infection spreads from person to person. There is only handshake between people in the office or while meeting people. Because of this, if the person in front has an infection or has symptoms of a cold cough, then that infection will easily infect you through handshake. At the same time, there is a great distance between two people by doing Namaste and there is no risk of infection at all. Apart from this, there are many benefits of namaste.

1. There is no deficiency in blood circulation

Today many people have problems in terms of blood circulation. At the same time, if you do hello, then your hands and heart are exercised between the cells and blood cells. This has a direct effect on blood circulation. Therefore, if you do hello, it may not cause any problem in your blood circulation.

2. Memory improves

You too often forget while working or speaking something that you have to speak and do it, then it may be beneficial for you to do Namaste. Yes, doing namaste improves people's memory. So instead of handshake you can adopt the habit of namaste.

3. Get mental peace

Today many remedies are taken by people for mental peace, while only by doing Namaste, you can get mental peace. Yes, Namaste can prove to be very beneficial for mental peace. Actually, by making Namaste, a connection is made between the hands and the head, through which positive energy is transmitted throughout the body and that is why it also provides mental peace.

What is the meaning of Namaste in Indian culture, why does science even consider it right (scientific reason) (Namaste Meaning in Hindi, Spiritual Meaning, Importance, Scientific Reason, Symbol, Origin, Benefit)

The word Namaste is used to greet the guest and the revered. The use of Namaste is generally considered appropriate in Indian culture, but due to the spread of Corona virus in the recent past, it is seen that the practice of Namaste is being adopted by foreign culture as well. The main reason for this is to keep oneself away from others and greet them lovingly. After all, what is the meaning of the word Namaste and in which countries it is generally greeted only by saying Namaste.

 For this kind of information, read this article completely-

Where did the word hello originate from -

The word Namaste originated from the Sanskrit language. Namah + te means in Sanskrit, bow to you. This entire word is combined to form the word hello. In Indian culture generally, greetings are made using words like Namaste, Pranam, Namah. Mostly Namaste is practiced in countries of South Asia. It is rooted in the civilization of India and Nepal.

Hi, not just a simple currency, but a currency that deals with science. Generally, people have to join their hands with each other. By keeping these connected hands close to the heart, the eyes have to be closed with the head bowed. Whenever a person keeps his hands close to the heart with folded hands, there are appropriate signs to keep his brain calm which brings a smile on the face of the person himself and if that person was in a state of anger then he would immediately become calm.

Hello when are you done?

On arrival of a person, he is greeted for greetings and at the same time he is greeted by saying hello, that is, he is greeted at the time of hospitality.
In addition to hospitality, in Hinduism, the greetings of God are also done by bowing with folded hands, in this also only the currency of Namaste is used.

The difference between Namaste and Handshake -

In Western culture, a hand shake is done to greet someone, that is, two people greeting each other with shaking hands but in the current situation when corona-virus disaster has occurred in many countries of the world. Or it is seen that people of Western culture are also adopting Namaste instead of handshake and science also considers Namaste instead of Hand shake. Why so ?

Why Science considers Namaste appropriate -

This is because during a hand shake the person comes in direct contact with the other person and the hand is the only medium that contains most of the viruses and if one person hands the other person the viruses are transferred and move from one body to another.

Apart from this, it is due to the current situation but in Indian culture, the practice of Namaste instead of hand shake is always prevalent. Why is there a scientific reason behind this as well, we all know that the flow of energy in humans keeps on going. Human beings have a lot of energy in which many types of energy are positive and many types of energy are negative. If a person performs a hand shake or any kind of touch while greeting a person, then the energy or energy of his body enters the body of the other person, thereby entering negative energy in the body of any person. He suffers loss as well, whose positive energy from the body moves or gets transferred to another person's body, he also suffers.

The importance of energy in the human body is very important, that is why the tradition of doing Namaste to flow its energy inside one's own body is science compatible, so Namaste is considered suitable in Hindu culture.

What is the currency of Namaste -

The currency of Namaste is called Anjali Mudra.

With deep long breath, both hands are pressed and folded together and placed near the heart, fingers are straight upwards. The thumb is placed close to the heart.
Eyes are closed by bowing the head and neck and salutation is uttered.
This entire mudra is called Anjali Mudra and it is used during greetings, namaste, pranam, satrasrikal etc.

Benefits of Namaste

  • The posture of Namaste is a Yogasana, while doing Namaste, the tension in the human mind reduces and he feels comfortable.
  • With the posture of Namaste, the mind concentrates, due to which the body gets a lot of benefits due to its focus.
  • Due to the posture of Namaste, a person is relieved of tension and by that he automatically shows a feeling of happiness on his face and in this way greeting someone, deepening the relationship between humans.
  • Due to the fixed position of the hands, wrists and fingers from the posture of Namaste, it brings flexibility in it, it is considered a kind of hand yoga.
  • In Hindu culture, greetings posture has many benefits of Namaste and also gives Namaste salvation from the harm caused by hand shaking, so in today's time Western civilization is also incorporating Namaste into its culture.
August 02, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Pregnancy

Please note - The information given here is based on the small number of pregnant women suffering from covid-19 infection. It is always better to keep talking to the doctor and nurse.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Pregnancy

What is Covid-19?

Covid-19 is an infection caused by the corona virus. This virus is similar to the common cold virus. In a normal person, its symptoms remain like a common cold, but a person suffering from diabetes and lung disease can reach this virus in a serious condition. Covid 19 usually causes cough and fever or difficulty in breathing. Breathing increases when the disease becomes more severe and may need to be admitted to the intensive care unit.

How does it spread?

The virus is spread by coming into contact with an infected person. It can also spread through cough or sneeze of an infected person. The virus is secreted from saliva and nose and can infect another person through nose, mouth and eye.

How can COVID-19 be avoided?

After coming in contact with objects outside your house, wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face with your hands. These are the best ways. Maintaining social distance (2 meters or 4 feet from others) and home Staying inside is a good way of defense. Infection does not spread to the other person, so while coughing or sneezing, cover the mouth with the inside of the elbow.

Should i go to the hospital?

If you have an appointment, it would be appropriate to talk first. Many problems can be solved by talking to the telephone. If you have to go to the hospital, after touching something, wash your hands and do not touch your face. Seated 2 meters away from other people. Wash hands before and after coming home. If you have a cough, wear a mask. If you have Covid-19, then ask about your appointment by telephone.

Is covid-19 infection dangerous in pregnant women?

Very little information is available in this subject. It is best to avoid getting sick. It is known that this infection is not very serious in pregnant women. But if you already have diabetes, high blood pressure, lung disease or HIV infection, then your risk may be high. You will need special care. Healthy pregnant women can rest at home, but if the disease is taking serious form then it is necessary to reach the hospital immediately. Mother and child can be kept safe by taking prompt care. After severe infection of covid-19 there is an increased risk of premature delivery and caution is necessary for this. Paracetamol is a safe medicine for fever.

Is Covid 19 infection dangerous for my fetus?

The virus does not reach the baby during pregnancy. Covid-19 infection does not increase the risk of congenital malformations, although there are very few women we know who have become pregnant after infection with COVID-19. There is an increased risk of brain and spinal deformities when there is high fever during 6 to 6 weeks of gestation, it can happen in about 1000 women with 2. This risk can be from any kind of fever, not only from Covid-19. During the pregnancy, such pathologies can be detected by ultrasound.

The biggest danger is premature delivery, it can happen automatically due to illness or may have to be done in the interest of the child due to any medical reason. The closer the delivery is, the better and safer it is.

If you have Covid-19 infection and you are in childbirth then you may lack oxygen, in such a situation the child may also have problems. The delivery should be done in the hospital itself where there can be good care and if necessary a caesarean operation can be done. Cesarean is not needed just because of covid-19 infection.

Some studies with similar viruses have suggested that the child's growth may be inhibited after infection such as covid 19. For this, ultrasound is necessary after 2 to 4 weeks of infection. Regular ultrasound after 2 to 4 weeks is considered necessary to see the development of the baby.

What should I do if I have covid-19 infection soon after giving birth?

It is not clear whether it is right to keep mothers infected with covid-19 separate from the child. Different regions will make different decisions based on local availability and local status of covid-19. If you are feeling well then stay with the child, under certain circumstances you may have to stay away from the child. For this, consult your doctor and nurse. Do not touch the child's face and protect the child from infection due to cough and sneeze. If the child is sleeping, make a distance of 2 meters. Before touching the child, wash both hands thoroughly with soap and water and apply a mask on your face.

Can I breastfeed if I have covid-19?

Some infected women did not detect the virus in the milk test. So it is safe to breastfeed the baby. Wash the hands well and do not touch the baby's face, it is better to feed them by wearing a mask.

You can keep milk out of your hands and pumps and can give milk to another person. Wash hands before feeding and leaving.

What if someone at home has symptoms of covid-19 after the birth of my child?

If such people are taking care of the child then they should take necessary precautions. If not necessary, then such people keep distance from the child. You should also keep distance from such people and wash your hands regularly. New research has shown that once covid-19 infection has occurred, the risk of recurrence is less, yet necessary precautions are taken before touching the child.

 Questions you can ask your doctor or midwife:

  • I have come in contact with a person suffering from symptoms like covid-19, should I get tested?
  • I have symptoms like covid-19, should I check?
  • Should I and other family members live in the house?
  • I have covid 19 infection during pregnancy, when should I do ultrasound?
  • Should I stay away from a newborn if I am ill?